Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Well, he has said his backup is corrupt and his new machine has only the new virgin profile. Can you still help? Where else should he look?

(He|She?) has not defined what is meant old machine not "stabilised". How it is unstable can determine possible avenues for recovery. If it boots but SeaMonkey is what is "unstable" is different from it does not boot and it is Windows that is "unstable".

If it is the former you can boot the machine and with Explorer navigate to the corrupt profile and recover the actual Mail folder files which may be intact even if the rest of the profile is buggered preventing SeaMonkey from launching.

If it is the latter, then mounting the drive via an external caddy as I showed in a link, or slaved to new system, of even using a live-session bootable Linux trial installer|recovery tools offers a way to bypass the damaged OS and access the files directly.

"my old XP machine" seems to indicate the old machine is the one not "stable" newly revealed helps with previously method above because we can be certain it does not have Bitlocker and the old profile on the drive will be easier for newer Windows 10 to access...

The backup is said to be corrupted be OP, but not sure what this backup is? An external drive, burned optically media, network cloud. And anyway even if backup is no longer viable the original drive on old machine might be okay enough to recover and I have been detailing here.

Even with failing hard drives, if you are quick about it you can often get some data off of it. And I mean quick!!! Do not run a failing drive any longer than you have to without actively moving data to safe media. And as I said he only has to recover a handful of specific files recover mail. With it being XP we can infer the path replacing UPPERCASE with his profile specific entries:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Roaming\Mozilla\Profiles\RANDOM.default\Mail\\

and quickly copy extension-less files and|or ones with extension sbd.

I have done this more than once to recover clients email from failing hard drives for Netscape, Mozilla Browser, SeaMonkey, and Thunderbird mail. Just saying...

Take care,

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