On 1/28/2018 2:35 PM, Henrik37 wrote:
> Henrik37 wrote:
>> Since updating my Kaspersky Total Internet software to the 2017 version. 
>> SM 2.48 is reporting lots of security certificate errors.
>> Is this likely to be because SM 2.48 needs updating, a Kaspersky 
>> problem, or something else?
>> Thanks, in advance, for advice, fix suggestions, and/or guidance.
> First, thanks for all the comments and suggestions.
> I upgraded to SM v.2.49 but the problem didn't go away.  Then, the Xmas 
> holidays intervened followed by a bad case of influenza.
> Interestingly, Windows Update also stopped working about December 1, 
> 2017 on my Win 7 machine.  That turned out to be a slight blessing as I 
> didn't have to contend with the bad Intel/Microsoft Spectre/Meltdown 
> patches that screwed up things for lots of folks.
> The fix I found was to deinstall Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) 2017 
> and go back to KIS 2016.  With KIS 2016, all of the security certificate 
> errors ceased.
> My suspicion - untested at this point - is that KIS 2017 contained a 
> preliminary fix required by the Intel/Microsoft Spectre/Meltdown patch 
> and thus caused some sort of conflict with an unpatched (i.e. after 
> December 1) Win 7 system.  Who knows?  Bad timing?

I read in some newsgroup (but I do not remember which one) that
Kaspersky Internet Security had problems with several certificates.  It
is possible that was what your problem really was, not the lack of the
Spectre/Meltdown patch for Windows.

David E. Ross

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