On 2/23/2018 9:44 AM, DoctorBill wrote:
> I hate Windows 7 !
> I knew XP quite well, but Windows 7 is a ^#$@#^%$$  &^%&$$#O^E !
> I try to search for a file on my hard drive(s) and use that window on 
> the Upper Right Side
> of Windows Explorer (is that still the name of it?)
> I type in something - like *.spag*.*   --- looking for an old recipe for 
> spaghetti in an old WORD file.   I use the wildcard (*) because I don't 
> remember the exact NAME i saved it under years ago.
> I press enter and I get an IMMEDIATE "No Items To Match Your Search"  - 
> I know it didn't search squat - I am looking thru an ENTIRE USB drive of 
> one terabyte capacity !
> Once in a blue moon, I can see the blue bar progress from left to right 
> at the top - it is searching !  But 99% of the time, it responds 
> INSTANTLY - no search was really done.
> HOW do I get this $&@%# program to actually DO a search for a file ?
> DoctorBill

If you are searching for a file by its name, extension, date, or
anything else but not its content, try Everything from
<http://www.voidtools.com/>.  It is fast.

If you are searching for a file by its contents, try Agent Ransack from
<https://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/>.  It is much slower than
Everything, but it has to examine the contents of every file within the
scope of its search.

David E. Ross

President Trump:  Please stop using Twitter.  We need
to hear your voice and see you talking.  We need to know
when your message is really your own and not your attorney's.
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