On 05/16/2018 04:16 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
> Edmund, just as a By-the-By, would those still developing Thunderbird have an
 > interest in any Composer bugs?? If so, would they have access to
 > SeaMonkey::Composer??

They have their hands full getting 60 out the door. We are still months behind them. The Composer code lives in shared code with TB but is not packed into TB. Composer picks up some mailnews changes too.

Composer specific code is not exactly unmaintained but without new devs it takes a backseat and gets only minimal support to keep it running.

As long as it doesn't break something else, I say keep it around as long as possible. It doesn't have all the latest HTML gegaws etc. *BUT* it does its job and is easy to use. I don't publish any website. I use it when I need a page of HTML for local use. I've tried some of the more modern @%$&^&, they are a pain to use.

Speaking of testing. Try 2.53 and see if Composer still works. I am using this as the base to port patches to the next planned release 2.57 but really only tested mailnews and the browser yet. Bill uses my patch tree:


I'm currently running the i386 version of Debian 9.
When I free more space, I'll install the x86_64 version.

Consider it beta and not fully up to date wrt security but otherwise it is nice. Bugs reports are accepted.

download manager and notifications still have known issues open so don't report anything against these.

Back up your profile if you use it. Downgrading won't work. Based on 56 with numerous patches (NSS 3.36 + security + performance).


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