On 08/05/2018 11:49 AM, Dirk Munk wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
On 08/04/2018 10:40 AM, Mason83 wrote:
On 04/08/2018 11:21, Dirk Munk wrote:

Seamonkey is using SQLlite for its own 'housekeeping'.

Which version is it using?

I couldn't find the answer, but these links might provide
some information:



Don't know if it solves the OP's problem.
But you may have "rattled my cage" in right direction to solve one of mine ;}
I've been trying to have bookmarks available to outside applications.
SeaMonkey uses JSON if you want all the data. HTML export loses some implied data for *MY* purposes.
What's comical is my current destination program
 [CherryTree {http://www.giuspen.com/cherrytree/}]
uses SQLite natively. So importing relevant information should be much more straight forward, even I don't know SQLite *YET* !


I installed SQLiteStudio for Windows, but I see you're using Linux.

It is evidently available as an Ubuntu PPA, but I'm using Debian.
I'm investigating for an approved method for installing from A PPA.
I've found some methods but they have too much "hand waving" for me to attempt comfortably. I have an old WinXP machine. Is that suitable for the Windows version?
Thank you.

When I want to open a database, SQLiteStudio wants to know if it is an SQLite 2 or SQLite 3 database. I don't want to corrupt anything, so it would be nice to know which version Seamonkey is usin.

The supplies links are not helpful in that respect, they are about SQLite in general.

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