Reading between the lines... check your log file, have you had many

On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 10:29:49PM -0800, Martin Stone Davis wrote:
> I'm using default values for everything.  Here are some relevant lines 
> from my freenet.ini:
> # Select which implementation of ThreadFactory to use.  Q: 
> QThreadFactory (default). F: FastThreadFactory. Y: YetAnotherThreadFactory.
> %threadFactory=Q
> # Should we use thread management?  If this number is defined and 
> non-zero, this specifies the max number of threads in the pool.  If this 
> is overrun, connections will be rejected and events won't execute on time.
> %maximumThreads=120
> But I'm confused.  Why does General Information say maximumThreads=40, 
> while freenet.ini says it's 120 by default?  And does this mean the real 
> default value (40) is being set way too low?
> -Martin
> Brandon Low wrote:
> >What is your thread limit?  From the looks of that it is incredibly
> >low... Also, are you using YThreads or QThreads... what you might want
> >to do is increase your thread limit to something closer to 200 or 300
> >and change to YThreads.
> >
> >--B
> >
> >On Wed, 10/29/03 at 22:06:53 -0800, Martin Stone Davis wrote:
> >
> >>I've been running 5029 for over a day.  I noticed recently that outgoing 
> >>bandwidth decreased significantly.  Is this problem already known about?
> >>
> >>From General Information:
> >>    
> >>Current routingTime 207ms
> >>Curent messageSendTimeRequest       496ms
> >>Pooled threads running jobs 47 (117.5%)
> >>Pooled threads which are idle       45
> >>Current upstream bandwidth usage    2962 bytes/second (24.1%)
> >>Reason for refusing connections:    activeThreads(47) >= maximumThreads 
> >>(40)
> >>Reason for QueryRejecting requests: Estimated load (100%) > overloadLow 
> >>(85%)
> >>    It's normal for the node to sometimes reject connections or requests 
> >>for a limited period. If you're seeing rejections continuously the node 
> >>is overloaded or something is wrong (i.e. a bug).
> >>Current estimated load      100% [Rejecting incoming connections and 
> >>requests!]
> >>Reason for load:    Load due to thread limit = 117.5%
> >>Load due to routingTime = 73.1% = 85% + 15% * (207.953 - 1000.000) / 
> >>1000.000 <= overloadLow (85%)
> >>Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 82.5% = 85% + 15% * (496.871 - 
> >>1000.000) / 3000.000 <= overloadLow (85%)
> >>Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 0% because outputBytes(177714) 
> >><= limit (589824.009 ) = outLimitCutoff (0.8) * outputBandwidthLimit 
> >>(12288) * 60
> >>
> >>From Environment:
> >>
> >>Thread Pool         
> >>    
> >>Total pooled threads        75
> >>Available pooled threads    34
> >>Pooled threads in use       41
> >>    
> >>Pooled Thread Consumers     
> >>    
> >>Class       Threads used
> >>Checkpoint: Connection opener       1
> >>freenet.Message: Accepted   1
> >>freenet.Message: DataNotFound       1
> >>freenet.Message: DataReply  1
> >>freenet.Message: DataRequest        1
> >>freenet.Message: QueryRejected      2
> >>freenet.Message: QueryRestarted     1
> >>freenet.interfaces.LocalNIOInterface$ConnectionShell        12
> >> 14
> >>      5
> >>freenet.node.states.request.RequestInitiator        2
> >>
> >>-Martin
> >>
> >>
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> >>
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ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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