On Saturday 01 November 2003 05:13 pm, Paul wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2003 at 14:10:43 +0800, Toad wrote:
> >On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 10:31:58PM -0800, Paul wrote:
> >>  I see the installation of Freenet and the configuration of Freenet to
> >>  be an area that needs serious attention.
> >>
> >>  First, I use Freenet on a Mac, but Mac OS X is not shown anymore as a
> >>  compatible OS on the Freenet web site download page. It used to be
> >>  there, but not anymore. I know to use the Linux download and
> >>  instructions, but the only reason I know that is because the web site
> >>  used to state this. A new user will likely not realize this.
> >>
> >>  Second, the install process needs to be easier. Yes, installing
> >>  Freenet is as simple as copying over a handful of files, but a
> >>  single-click install program is very nice. The Mac .pkg format is
> >>  simple and effective, and it allows scripts to be included and run
> >>  during the installation process.
> >
> >Care to volunteer? I don't have a Mac to develop a package on.
> I had a feeling you might ask that. While I can program, I just do
> not have the time right now to learn the specifics of how to do this,
> and then do it. The time investment goes beyond doing this once. I'd
> have to do it for every single release. And at the rate they are
> coming these days, that's a huge amount of time.

You wouldn't have to redo it every release; except for new configuration 
options, you would just have to change the version number and stick in the 
new JAR. Right? (I'm a Mac imbecile.)

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        - Douglas Adams
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