"Then why are you responding, and rudely even? I don't think English is his
first language.. sound familiar?"

Indeed, but you are mistaken in the perceived familiarity. It had/has
NOTHING to do with his english, or spelling, or grammar. I just don't
understand shite what he was trying to say, since with a normal install you
don't need to move anything. As for the word 'shite'; dunno if that is all
that rude: I took it from  a bunch of Scotsmen that I knew, and they used it
often, and in various contexts, which wasn't all that rude, actually.

"You did notice he's running XP, and that the problems with 1.4.2 occur with
some installs of BSD and OSX."

Which is what I said. And yet, people have come forth with problems with
1.4.2, even on windows. Probably not enough to indicate a firm correlation,
let alone a causality, but seen that no similar problems as yet have occured
with the 1.5.x, it's in any case a more sound advice to use that build.

And btw, it was with linux as well, in the past.

We've been over this before, and I know your opinion about this, but I don't
follow it. It's like saying: that boat sails fine, if you don't use it with
southern winds. Well, maybe, but it still makes more sense to use a boat
that has shown no problems, whether using southern winds or not.

"Since this is a 'support' list, be supportive and not critical, especially
if you know little about Java. I suspect he attempted the install manually,
and will quickly discover his own error."

Saying : "you don't have to place anything under the folder afterwards.
You just install JVM 1.5.x (preferably), and you install freenet as
described on the downloadpage of the main site, or on www.freenethelp.org.
It auto-installs everything in both cases, and it should find the stuff and
work like a sharm." was support, since I told him what to do, at least IMHO.
As far as I can see it, it was reasonably sane advice too. But whether you
agree with that or not, it does not turn support into non-support.

Critique, if any, was very mild in this post, and it's on itself not in
contradiction with being supportive anyhow. If someone asks a question, and
I ask if he already looked at freenethelp, it may be construed as being a
form of critique, but it doesn't change the fact it's support as well.

I can hardly see 'you will discover your own fault' as being more
supportive, in any case.

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