Jonathan Bannister wrote:
> Thank you.  I will think about it some more.
> Best wishes,
> JB
>> bqz69 пишет:
>>> On Monday 28 September 2009 21.54.52 VolodyA! V Anarhist wrote:
>>>> Jonathan Bannister пишет:
>>>>> Thank you for this sugestion.  I have done this repeatedly, with no
>>>>> success.
>>>>> I note the following suggestion: "it would be a good idea to forward 
>>>>> the
>>>>> ports 61616 and 27307 (UDP) on your router."  How is this accomplished?
>>> I am using firestarter firewall, and that's where I forward my ports (I 
>>> am
>>> using ubuntu linux)
>> The port may be blocked at any level *before* the firestarter even gets a 
>> chance
>> to see it. Think of the network connection as a water pipe, if you have 
>> several
>> volves prior to the one at the tip of the hose closing any single one of 
>> them
>> will block the flow of water.
>> Router is the piece of hardware that takes the traffic it receives from 
>> one
>> network and sends it to the different network. One of those "networks" can
>> actually be seen as the cloud of "the Internet" (since it is connected on 
>> and on
>> with more and more networks). At some point there is a closed port before 
>> it
>> reaches the internet.
>> ISPs sometimes close the ports, and if you have a router in your house, it 
>> may
>> have come preconfigured to close everything unless told to do otherwise. I
>> honestly do not know enough at this point to help you any more... sorry.
>>                   - Volodya
>>  "None of us are free until all of us are free."    ~ Mihail Bakunin
>> _______________________________________________
OK, here's how you forward your ports, nice and easy:

First, let's identify the router
The router is a piece of hardware that looks like a relatively small 
box, it comes in various sizes but the kind used at home is generally 
half the size of a laptop (a big laptop).

The router has a number of ethernet ports, the cables used to connect to 
such ports end in RJ45 connectors that look like a bigger telephone 
jack. Routers often have one or two relatively short and thick antennas, 
sometime they only have ethernet ports. The most common home routers 
have 8 ports but there are much bigger ones.

Your router is placed between your PC and the 'internet outlet' in the 
wall, in the sense that the ethernet cable (internet wire) from the back 
of your computer connects to the router, and the router connects to the 
'internet outlet').
Find the router and note its brand and model.
If you use a wireless connection, the router will only have a cable to 
the wall outlet and not to the PC, but it can be easily identified 
anyway: it's the box that must stay turned on, or your internet dies :P
Physically locating your router is useful if you don't have a manual.

The web interface

If you happen to have a manual for your router, find out how to access 
the web interface. If you don't have a manual go to the manufacturer's 
web page (hint: ), look for your model and find the 
Generally, the web interface is found at the router's IP address on port 
80, that means: if your router's IP is, you will probably find 
the web interface pointing a web browser to

In some cases the web interface is on a different port rather than the 
default http port 80. If that's the case use :port# at the end of the IP 
address, example if the port is 8800.

Finding out your router's IP

To figure out where to point your web browser, do the follwoing:
On Windows: open a cmd shell (start > run > (type) cmd [enter] ) and 
type 'ipconfig /all' (no quotes)
On Linux, and other *nix (probably even Mac): open a terminal and type 
'ifconfig -a'

That will give you your own IP address. Your router is probably in the 
same range at -0 or -1, e.g. if your IP address is your 
router is probably (but not always) at or (if this 
doesnt help, google probably will)

Forwarding ports

Web interfaces don't look all exactly the same so I can't walk you 
through the whole procedure, but with help of your manual or the 
manufacturer's website (and Google) you should be able to figure out 
what to do as long as you know exactly what you want to accomplpish, 
which in our case is:

* Forward port (number/s) FROM (the router's IP) => TO (the PC's IP) for 
protocol UDP *

...which is pretty much all what this quick guide boils down to.
The 'protocol UDP' thing means that you only need to select UDP and not TCP.
Hope this helps.

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