since a few days, after having restaured (to give to a friend) an old 
PPC of mine (mac Tiger 10.4.11), it doesn't seem to accept to install 
When earlier I was using it though, I had it installed and it was 
running perfectly, but of course an older version of it.
Now, each time, trying to use the installer, I got this message :

It says :

"Java web start - Download error

Impossible to lauch Freenet 0.7.5 installer"

And during this, in the second window, it is : "searching for the latest 

Of course, LittleSnitch has an outgoing pass for

action: allow
process: *java.com.sun.javaws.Main*
destination: any
port: any
protocol: any
help: wants to connect to checksums.freenetproject.org on TCP port 80 

action: allow
process: *java.freenet.node.NodeStarter*
destination: any
port: any
protocol: any
help: wants to connect to on UDP port 57414.

And ditto for the Mac firewall.

Some ideas ??? Thanks

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