On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Jep <jep at jep-z11.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Dennis Nezic schreef:
>> On Sat, 03 Jul 2010 22:08:52 +0200, Jep wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 12:50:00 +0200, Jep wrote:
>>>>> Got a freenet node running for no less than a full week and even
>>>>> the auto update did its job for the first time. Up til now I had
>>>>> to un- and reinstall.
>>>>> It disconnected me still, but deleting node.db4o and
>>>>> persistent-temp while restarting FN was enough to reconnect.
>>>>> I noticed it helps somewhat to limit my downloads to exactly 1,
>>>>> still CPU usage of java is way too high.
>>>>> Allowing java to use only 1 of my dualcore and use of a helper
>>>>> program to set javas priority to 'low' or even throttle the process
>>>>> is not enough to keep cpu cycles consumption at bay.
>>>>> My Freenet install is somehow f%^#ed and I've got no idea how to
>>>>> repair it. Manual update doesn't work at all, it sees not-existing
>>>>> new versions that of course fail to install. Also, an experimental
>>>>> downgrade to see if autoupdate works then did not work out.
>>>>> Tried it on a second box with pretty much a plain vanilla xp sp3
>>>>> and it gives the same results.
>>>>> No software firewall, ports are checked opened in the hardware
>>>>> router. Sun java 1.6.0_20-b02.
>>>>> 512 mB allocated to FN, besides the wrapper version issue there are
>>>>> no error msgs in the logs. Don't want to mail those because they
>>>>> contain too much ID'ing, the command line update says:
>>>>> - Freenet installation found at [....]
>>>>> -----
>>>>> - Checking for Freenet JAR updates...
>>>>> -----
>>>>> - Checking main jar
>>>>> ? ?- New main jar found!
>>>>> - Checking ext jar
>>>>> ? ?- New ext jar found!
>>>>> - Checking wrapper .exe
>>>>> ? ?- New wrapper .exe found!
>>>>> - Checking wrapper .dll
>>>>> ? ?- New wrapper .dll found!
>>>>> - Checking start.exe
>>>>> ? ?- New start.exe found!
>>>>> - Checking stop.exe
>>>>> ? ?- New stop.exe found!
>>>>> - Checking freenettray.exe
>>>>> ? ?- New freenettray.exe found!
>>>>> The system cannot find the path specified.
>>>>> - Checking freenetlauncher.exe
>>>>> ? ?- New freenetlauncher.exe found!
>>>>> -----
>>>>> - New Freenet version found! ?Installing now...
>>>>> -----
>>>>> - Downloading new files...
>>>>> Error while handling the CA :java.io.IOException:
>>>>> DerValue.getBigInteger, not an
>>>>> ?int 48
>>>>> java.security.cert.CertificateParsingException:
>>>>> java.io.IOException: DerValue.ge
>>>>> tBigInteger, not an int 48
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.x509.X509CertInfo.<init>(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.x509.X509CertImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.x509.X509CertImpl.<init>(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at
>>>>> sun.security.provider.X509Factory.parseX509orPKCS7Cert(Unknown
>>>>> Source )
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.provider.X509Factory.engineGenerateCertificates
>>>>> (Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at
>>>>> java.security.cert.CertificateFactory.generateCertificates(Unknown
>>>>> So urce)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at Sha1Test.main(Sha1Test.java:52)
>>>>> Caused by: java.io.IOException: DerValue.getBigInteger, not an int
>>>>> 48 at sun.security.util.DerValue.getBigInteger(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.x509.SerialNumber.construct(Unknown
>>>>> Source) at sun.security.x509.SerialNumber.<init>(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ? ? ? ? at sun.security.x509.CertificateSerialNumber.<init>
>>>>> (Unknown Source) at sun.security.x509.X509CertInfo.parse(Unknown
>>>>> Source) ... 7 more
>>>>> - Error! Freenet update failed, one or more files didn't download
>>>>> correctly...
>>>>> -----
>>>>> - Cleaning up...
>>>>> - Changing file permissions
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> Any suggestion? Thanks.
>>> Dennis Nezic schreef:
>>>> What's the name of that java profiling program that profiles which
>>>> functions all the cpu work is going into? :P
>>>> (Also, during the high-cpu periods, how much memory (out of your
>>>> 512mb) is being used?)
>>> It's a winz utility called 'Process Lasso', an extended task manager, not
>>> something aimed at particularly java. Another one I've used in
>>> the past is freeware; 'Process Tamer'. Both help to keep my box at
>>> least useable to some extent while java is claiming the whole machine.
>>> Both allow for setting priority of apps. PL has added functions like
>>> average CPU consumption of a process over time. Of java that's 43%,
>>> so very near to the 50% max (1 core of 2).
>>> It is not a memory issue it seems. Java takes 103,500 K now.
>>> At this moment there's yet another FN version out and update didn't
>>> do its job again so Freenet is disconnected & it's back to
>>> re-installing once more.
>> There should be other profiling apps that actually debug the program's
>> (freenet's) internal functions -- to see whether the cpu is doing
>> garbage collection work, or other dumb things :).
> Thanks for your response, Dennis.
> I doubt I can do much with debugging, I am not a programmer. What would be a
> tool to search for?
> Am already using JavaRa for cleaning up old versions of Java.
> Any other tips on what I can do to get a functioning node that does update
> and doesn't try to take over my machine?
> The new 1258 forced me to wipe the entire FN install once more, including
> the whole data folder this time, in order to get FN to connect to strangers.
> Even just keeping freenet.ini was enough to let FN sitting there connecting
> to 0.
> What I find strange is that I seem to have a unique problem, I see no one
> else with something similar. And there is nothing unusual with my hardware
> router or the xp on the other computer I tried FN on.
> _______________________________________________
> Support mailing list
> Support at freenetproject.org
> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.support
> Unsubscribe at
> http://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support
> Or mailto:support-request at freenetproject.org?subject=unsubscribe

You are better off not uninstalling and reinstalling, but instead
manually update your freenet.jar file.

Even better, try the update.cmd file I have attached to this email
(rename it from .txt to .cmd).  It "should" fix the problems with the
existing one.  Let me know and perhaps Toad will pull my git branch to
update the installer.

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it. - Voltaire
Those who would give up Liberty, to purchase temporary Safety, deserve
neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
-------------- next part --------------
@echo off
::This script is designed for the Windows command line shell, so please don't 
put it into anything else! :)
::This script may need to be run with administrator privileges.

::If you want to debug this script by adding pauses and stuff, please do it 
from another batch file, because
::if you modify this script in any way it will be detected as outdated and will 
be overwritten on the next run.
::To force a re-download of the latest Freenet.jar, simply delete 
freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url before running this script.

::The default behavior is to fetch the latest stable release.  Run this script 
with the testing parameter for the latest SVN build.
::  e.g. C:\Freenet\update.cmd testing

Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
echo -----
echo - Freenet Windows update script 1.6 by Zero3Cool (zero3cool at 
echo - Further contributions by Juiceman (juiceman69 at gmail.com)
echo - Thanks to search4answers, Michael Schierl and toad for help and feedback.
echo -----
echo - This script will automatically update your Freenet installation
echo - from our web server freenetproject.org and/or mirrors.
echo - In case of an unrecoverable error, this script will pause.
echo -----
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo - Please try to use the update over Freenet feature of your
echo - node to reduce traffic on our servers, thanks!!!
echo - FYI, updating over Freenet is easy, more secure and
echo - is better for your anonymity.
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo -----

:: TODO:
:: Fixme: what to do with changing away from custom freenet user account?

:: 3.5 - Script will handle all the binaries as soon as the website is ready
:: 3.4 - Made script more failsafe.
:: 3.3 - Refactored script to be more organized and prepare for updating 
Windows binaries
:: 3.2 - Use the .sha1 url to check for updates to freenet-ext.jar.  Saves ~4mb 
per run.
:: 3.1 - Fix permissions by fixing invalid cacls arguments
:: 3.0 - Handle binary start/stop.exe exit conditions and use it to set restart 
:: 2.9 - Check for file permissions
:: 2.8 - Add detecting of Vista\Seven, use the appropriate version of cacls.
:: 2.7 - Better error handling
:: 2.6 - Prepare for new binary start and stop.exe's
:: ---   Many various changes
:: 2.4 - Test downloaded jar after making sure it is not empty.  Copy over 
freenet.jar after testing for integrity.
:: 2.3 - Reduce retries to 5.  Turn on file resuming.  Clarify text.
:: 2.2 - Reduce retry delay and time between retries.
:: 2.1 - Title, comments, hide "Please ignore, it is a side effect of a 
work-around" echo unless its needed.
:: 2.0 - Warn user not to abort script.
:: 1.9 - Cosmetic fixes (Spacing, typos)
:: 1.8 - Loop stop script until Node is stopped.
:: 1.7 - Retry downloads on timeout.

::Initialize some stuff
set CAFILE=startssl.pem
set COUNT=0
set PATH=%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\;%PATH%
set RELEASE=stable
if "%1"=="testing" set RELEASE=testing
if "%1"=="-testing" set RELEASE=testing
if "%1"=="/testing" set RELEASE=testing

echo - Release selected is: %RELEASE%
echo -----

::Check if we are on Vista/Seven if so we need to use icacls instead of cacls
set VISTA=0
::Treat server 2k3/XP64 as vista as they need icacls
VER | findstr /l "5.2." > nul
VER | findstr /l "6.0." > nul
VER | findstr /l "6.1." > nul

::Go to our location
for %%I in (%0) do set LOCATION=%%~dpI
cd /D "%LOCATION%"

::Check if its valid, or at least looks like it
if not exist bin\wget.exe goto error2
if exist freenet.ini goto permcheck
::User may have a corrupted install from our temp file bug.  Let's try to 
::If no tmp file, no use trying
if not exist freenet.ini.tmp goto error2
ren freenet.ini.tmp freenet.ini

::Simple test to see if we have enough privileges to modify files.
echo - Checking file permissions
if exist writetest del writetest > NUL
if exist writetest goto writefail
echo test > writetest
if not exist writetest goto writefail
del writetest > NUL
if exist writetest goto writefail

::Kludge to disable setting file permissions on the the deprecated custom user 
if exist bin\freenettray.exe set VISTA=2

:: Maybe fix bug #2556
echo - Changing file permissions
if %VISTA%==0 echo Y| cacls . /E /T /C /G freenet:f > NUL
if %VISTA%==1 echo y| icacls . /grant freenet:(OI)(CI)F /T /C > NUL

::Get the filename and skip straight to the Freenet update if this is a new 
for %%I in (%0) do set FILENAME=%%~nxI
if %FILENAME%==update.new.cmd goto updaterok

::New folder for keeping our temp files for this updater.
if not exist update_temp mkdir update_temp

::Download latest updater and verify it
if exist update_temp\update.new.cmd del update_temp\update.new.cmd
echo - Checking for newer version of this update script...
bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/update/update-new.cmd -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist update_temp\update.new.cmd goto error1
find "FREENET W%MAGICSTRING%WS UPDATE SCRIPT" update_temp\update.new.cmd > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto error1

::Check if updater has been updated
fc update.cmd update_temp\update.new.cmd > NUL
if not errorlevel 1 goto updaterok

::It has! Run new version and end self
echo - New update script found, restarting update script...
echo -----
copy /Y update_temp\update.new.cmd update.new.cmd > NUL
start update.new.cmd %RELEASE%
goto veryend

::Updater is up to date, check Freenet
echo    - Update script is current.
echo -----

find "freenet.jar" wrapper.conf > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto error5

find "freenet.jar.new" wrapper.conf > NUL
if not errorlevel 1 goto error5

:: fix #1527
find "freenet-ext.jar.new" wrapper.conf > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto skipit
if not exist freenet-ext.jar.new goto skipit
if exist freenet-ext.jar del /F freenet-ext.jar > NUL
copy freenet-ext.jar.new freenet-ext.jar > NUL
:: Try to delete the file.  If the node is running, it will likely fail.
if exist freenet-ext.jar.new del /F freenet-ext.jar.new > NUL
:: Fix the wrapper.conf
goto error5

echo - Freenet installation found at %LOCATION%
echo -----
echo - Checking for Freenet JAR updates...
echo -----

::Check for sha1test and download if needed.
if not exist lib mkdir lib
if not exist lib\sha1test.jar bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 
--waitretry=10  https://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/sha1test.jar -O 
if not errorlevel 0 goto error3
if not exist lib\sha1test.jar goto error3

::New folder for keeping our temp files for this updater.
if not exist update_temp mkdir update_temp
::We will work out of the temp folder for most of the rest of this script.
cd update_temp\
::Let's clean up any files currently in the Freenet folder
if exist ..\freenet-*.url move /Y ..\freenet-*.url . > NUL
if exist ..\freenet-*.sha1 move /Y ..\freenet-*.sha1 . > NUL
if exist ..\freenet-stable* del ..\freenet-stable*
if exist ..\freenet-testing* del ..\freenet-testing*

::Check for a new main jar
echo - Checking main jar
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak del 
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url copy freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url 
freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak > NUL
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url del 
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url goto mainyes

::Compare with current copy
fc freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto mainyes
echo    - Main jar is current.
goto maincheckend

echo    - New main jar found!

::Check for a new freenet-ext.jar.
echo - Checking ext jar
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak del freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 copy freenet-ext.jar.sha1 
freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new del freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/freenet-ext.jar.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 goto extyes
fc freenet-ext.jar.sha1 freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto extyes
echo    - ext jar is current.
goto extcheckend

echo    - New ext jar found!

::Check wrapper .exe
if not exist ..\bin\wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe goto wrapperexecheckend
echo - Checking wrapper .exe
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak del 
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 copy wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new del 
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
 -O wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 goto wrapperexeyes

fc wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto wrapperexeyes
echo    - wrapper .exe is current.
goto wrapperexecheckend

echo    - New wrapper .exe found!

::Check wrapper .dll
if not exist ..\lib\wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll goto wrapperdllcheckend
echo - Checking wrapper .dll
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak del 
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 copy wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new del 
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
 -O wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 goto wrapperdllyes

fc wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto wrapperdllyes
echo    - wrapper .dll is current.
goto wrapperdllcheckend

:: Handle loop if there is no old URL to compare to.
echo    - New wrapper .dll found!

::Check start.exe if present
if not exist ..\bin\start.exe goto startexecheckend
echo - Checking start.exe
if exist start.exe.sha1.bak del start.exe.sha1.bak
if exist start.exe.sha1 copy start.exe.sha1 start.exe.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist start.exe.sha1.new del start.exe.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/start.exe.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist start.exe.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("start.exe.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist start.exe.sha1 goto startexeyes

fc start.exe.sha1 start.exe.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto startexeyes
echo    - start.exe is current.
goto startexecheckend

echo    - New start.exe found!

::Check stop.exe if present
if not exist ..\bin\stop.exe goto stopexecheckend
echo - Checking stop.exe
if exist stop.exe.sha1.bak del stop.exe.sha1.bak
if exist stop.exe.sha1 copy stop.exe.sha1 stop.exe.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist stop.exe.sha1.new del stop.exe.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/stop.exe.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist stop.exe.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("stop.exe.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist stop.exe.sha1 goto stopexeyes

fc stop.exe.sha1 stop.exe.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto stopexeyes
echo    - stop.exe is current.
goto stopexecheckend

echo    - New stop.exe found!

::Check tray utility if present
::If the tray utility already is installed, let's see if it needs upgrading.
if exist ..\bin\freenettray.exe goto traycheck

::If the required start.exe and stop.exe and installid.dat are present we will 
offer to install the tray for them
if not exist ..\bin\start.exe goto traycheckend
if not exist ..\bin\stop.exe goto traycheckend
if not exist ..\installid.dat goto traycheckend

::Get the tray utility and put it in the \bin directory
::We don't need to exit the program because it's not running since it's not 
even installed.
echo - Downloading freenettray.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/freenettray.exe -O freenettray.exe
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist freenettray.exe goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("freenettray.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test freenettray.exe . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

::Copy it to the /bin folder
copy /Y freenettray.exe ..\bin\freenettray.exe > NUL
if not exist ..\bin\freenettray.exe goto unknownerror

::Offer to install freenettray.exe in the all users>start folder
echo *******************************************************************
echo * It appears you are not using the Freenet tray utility.  
echo * This is likely because you have an older installation that
echo * was before the tray program was created.  
echo * We have downloaded the tray utility to your \bin directory.
echo *******************************************************************
echo -
echo - We can also install it in your startup folder so it launches when you 
::Set ANSWER to a different variable so it won't bug out when we loop
echo - 
set /P ANSWER=- Would you like to install it for "A"ll users, just "Y"ou or 
if /i %ANSWER%==A goto allusers
if /i %ANSWER%==Y goto justyou
if /i %ANSWER%==N goto traycheckend
::User hit a wrong key or <enter> without selecting, go around again.
goto promptloop
copy /Y freenettray.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" > NUL
if not errorlevel 0 goto writefail
echo freenettray.exe copied to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
goto traycheck
copy /Y freenettray.exe "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" > NUL
if not errorlevel 0 goto writefail
echo freenettray.exe copied to %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\

echo - Checking freenettray.exe
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1.bak del freenettray.exe.sha1.bak
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1 copy freenettray.exe.sha1 
freenettray.exe.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1.new del freenettray.exe.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/freenettray.exe.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist freenettray.exe.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("freenettray.exe.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist freenettray.exe.sha1 goto trayyes

fc freenettray.exe.sha1 freenettray.exe.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto trayyes
echo    - freenettray.exe is current.
goto traycheckend

echo    - New freenettray.exe found!
::We can only hope the tray gets shutdown in time, let's give it all the time 
we can by starting now
if not exist ..\tray_die.dat type "" >> ..\tray_die.dat

::Check launcher utility if present
if not exist ..\freenetlauncher.exe goto launchercheckend
echo - Checking freenetlauncher.exe
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 copy freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 
freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak > NUL
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 goto launcheryes

fc freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto launcheryes
echo    - freenetlauncher.exe is current.
goto launchercheckend

echo    - New freenetlauncher.exe found!

::Check for an updated seednodes.fref
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1.bak del seednodes.fref.sha1.bak
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1 copy seednodes.fref.sha1 seednodes.fref.sha1.bak > 
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1.new del seednodes.fref.sha1.new
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/opennet/seednodes.fref.sha1 -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

if not exist seednodes.fref.sha1.new goto error3
FOR %%I IN ("seednodes.fref.sha1.new") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error3

::Do we have something old to compare with? If not, update right away
if not exist seednodes.fref.sha1 goto seedyes

fc seednodes.fref.sha1 seednodes.fref.sha1.new > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto seedyes
goto seedcheckend


::Check if we have flagged any of the files as updated
if %MAINJARUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %EXTJARUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %WRAPPEREXEUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %WRAPPERDLLUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %STARTEXEUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %STOPEXEUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %TRAYUTILITYUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
if %LAUNCHERUPDATED%==1 goto updatebegin
goto noupdate

::New version found, check if the node is currently running
echo -----
echo - New Freenet version found!  Installing now...
echo -----

echo - Downloading new files...

::Download new main jar file
if %MAINJARUPDATED%==0 goto mainjardownloadend
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar del freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL -c --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 -i 
freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url -O freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
:: Make sure it got downloaded successfully
if not exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar . 
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - Freenet-%RELEASE%-snapshot.jar downloaded and verified

::Download new ext jar file
if %EXTJARUPDATED%==0 goto extjardownloadend
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 del freenet-ext.jar.sha1
if exist freenet-ext.jar del freenet-ext.jar
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL -c --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/freenet-ext.jar -O freenet-ext.jar
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist freenet-ext.jar goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("freenet-ext.jar") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test freenet-ext.jar . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - Freenet-ext.jar downloaded and verified

::Download new wrapper.exe file
if %WRAPPEREXEUPDATED%==0 goto wrapperexedownloadend
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe . ..\%CAFILE% 
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - wrapper .exe downloaded and verified

::Download new wrapper.dll file
if %WRAPPERDLLUPDATED%==0 goto wrapperdlldownloadend
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll . ..\%CAFILE% 
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - wrapper .dll downloaded and verified

::Download new start.exe file
if %STARTEXEUPDATED%==0 goto startexedownloadend
if exist start.exe.sha1 del start.exe.sha1
if exist start.exe del start.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/start.exe -O start.exe
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist start.exe goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("start.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test start.exe . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - start.exe downloaded and verified

::Download new stop.exe file
if %STOPEXEUPDATED%==0 goto stopexedownloadend
if exist stop.exe.sha1 del stop.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe del stop.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/stop.exe -O stop.exe
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist stop.exe goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("stop.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test stop.exe . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - stop.exe downloaded and verified

::Download new freenettray.exe file
if %TRAYUTILITYUPDATED%==0 goto traydownloadend
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1 del freenettray.exe.sha1
if exist freenettray.exe del freenettray.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/freenettray.exe -O freenettray.exe
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist freenettray.exe goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("freenettray.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test freenettray.exe . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - freenettray.exe downloaded and verified

::Download new freenetlauncher.exe file
if %LAUNCHERUPDATED%==0 goto stoplauncherdownloadend
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1
if exist freenetlauncher.exe del freenetlauncher.exe
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://checksums.freenetproject.org/latest/freenetlauncher.exe -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist freenetlauncher.exe goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("freenetlauncher.exe") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test freenetlauncher.exe . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - freenetlauncher.exe downloaded and verified

::Download an updated seednodes.fref.  We will only do this if at least one of 
the main files above were updated and the .sha1 of the file has changed.
::We are stingy because we don't want people to run this script *just* to get 
the latest seednodes file.
if %SEEDUPDATED%==0 goto seeddownloadend
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1 del seednodes.fref.sha1
if exist seednodes.fref del seednodes.fref
..\bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/opennet/seednodes.fref -O 
Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script
if not exist seednodes.fref goto error4
FOR %%I IN ("seednodes.fref") DO if %%~zI==0 goto error4
::Test the new file for integrity.
java -cp ..\lib\sha1test.jar Sha1Test seednodes.fref . ..\%CAFILE% > NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error4
echo    - seednodes.fref downloaded and verified

Title Freenet Update Over HTTP Script

::Time to stop the node and if needed freenettray.exe
if %TRAYUTILITYUPDATED%==0 goto nodestop
::We can only hope the tray gets shutdown in time
if not exist ..\tray_die.dat type "" >> ..\tray_die.dat

::See if we are using the new binary stop.exe
if not exist ..\bin\stop.exe goto oldstopper
call ..\bin\stop.exe /silent
if errorlevel 0 set RESTART=1
if errorlevel 1 goto unknownerror
goto beginfilecopy

net start | find "Freenet 0.7 darknet" > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto beginfilecopy > NUL
::Tell the user not to abort script, it gets very messy.
echo -----
echo - Shutting down Freenet...   (This may take a moment, please don't abort)
echo -----
call ..\bin\stop.cmd > NUL
net start | find "Freenet 0.7 darknet" > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto beginfilecopy
:: Uh oh, this may take a few tries.  Better tell the user not to panic.
echo -
echo - If you see an error message about:
echo - "The service could not be controlled in its present state."
echo - Please ignore, it is a side effect of a work-around
echo - to make sure the node is stopped before we copy files.
echo -
::Keep trying until service is stopped for sure.
net start | find "Freenet 0.7 darknet" > NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto beginfilecopy
call ..\bin\stop.cmd > NUL
goto safetycheck

::Ok Freenet is stopped, it is safe to copy files.
::Everything looks good, lets install it
echo - Backing up files...
echo -----
::Backup last version of Freenet.jar file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist freenet.jar.bak del freenet.jar.bak
if exist ..\freenet.jar copy ..\freenet.jar freenet.jar.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of wrapper.exe file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.bak del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.bak
if exist ..\bin\wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe copy 
..\bin\wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of wrapper.dll file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.bak del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.bak
if exist ..\lib\wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll copy 
..\lib\wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of start.exe file, user may want to go back if something 
is broken in new build
if exist start.exe.bak del start.exe.bak
if exist ..\bin\start.exe copy ..\bin\start.exe start.exe.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of stop.exe file, user may want to go back if something 
is broken in new build
if exist stop.exe.bak del stop.exe.bak
if exist ..\bin\stop.exe copy ..\bin\stop.exe stop.exe.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of freenettray.exe file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist freenettray.exe.bak del freenettray.exe.bak
if exist ..\bin\freenettray.exe copy ..\bin\freenettray.exe freenettray.exe.bak 
::Backup last version of freenetlauncher.exe file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.bak del freenetlauncher.exe.bak
if exist ..\freenetlauncher.exe copy ..\freenetlauncher.exe 
freenetlauncher.exe.bak > NUL
::Backup last version of seednodes.fref file, user may want to go back if 
something is broken in new build
if exist seednodes.fref.bak del seednodes.fref.bak
if exist ..\seednodes.fref copy ..\seednodes.fref seednodes.fref.bak > NUL

echo - Installing new files...
::Main jar
if %MAINJARUPDATED%==0 goto maincopyend
copy /Y freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar ..\freenet.jar > NUL
::Prepare shortcut file for next run.
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url del freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
ren freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.new.url freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
echo    - Freenet-%RELEASE%-snapshot.jar copied to freenet.jar

::Ext jar
if %EXTJARUPDATED%==0 goto extcopyend
copy /Y freenet-ext.jar ..\freenet-ext.jar > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 del freenet-ext.jar.sha1
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new ren freenet-ext.jar.sha1.new 
echo    - Copied updated freenet-ext.jar

::wrapper .exe
if %WRAPPEREXEUPDATED%==0 goto wrapperexecopyend
copy /Y wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe ..\bin\wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.new wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
echo    - Copied updated wrapper .exe

::Wrapper .dll
if %WRAPPERDLLUPDATED%==0 goto wrapperdllcopyend
copy /Y wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll ..\lib\wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.new wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
echo    - Copied updated wrapper dll

if %STARTEXEUPDATED%==0 goto startexecopyend
copy /Y start.exe ..\bin\start.exe > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist start.exe.sha1 del start.exe.sha1
if exist start.exe.sha1.new ren start.exe.sha1.new start.exe.sha1
echo    - Copied updated start.exe

if %STOPEXEUPDATED%==0 goto stopexecopyend
copy /Y stop.exe ..\bin\stop.exe > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist stop.exe.sha1 del stop.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe.sha1.new ren stop.exe.sha1.new stop.exe.sha1
echo    - Copied updated stop.exe

if %LAUNCHERUPDATED%==0 goto launchercopyend
copy /Y freenetlauncher.exe ..\freenetlauncher.exe > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new ren freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.new 
echo    - Copied updated freenetlauncher.exe

if %TRAYUTILITYUPDATED%==0 goto traycopyend
copy /Y freenettray.exe ..\bin\freenettray.exe > NUL
if not errorlevel 0 goto trayloop
::Update the startup folder also
if exist "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\freenettray.exe" copy 
/y freenettray.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" > NUL
if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\freenettray.exe" copy /y 
freenettray.exe "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1 del freenettray.exe.sha1
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1.new ren freenettray.exe.sha1.new 
echo    - Copied updated freenettray.exe

if %SEEDUPDATED%==0 goto seedcopyend
copy /Y seednodes.fref ..\seednodes.fref > NUL
::Prepare .sha1 file for next run.
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1 del seednodes.fref.sha1
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1.new ren seednodes.fref.sha1.new seednodes.fref.sha1
echo    - Copied updated seednodes.fref

goto end

::No update needed
echo -----
echo - Freenet is already up to date.
goto end

::Server gave us a damaged version of the update script, tell user to try again 
echo - Error! Downloaded update script is invalid. Try again later.
goto end

::Can't find Freenet installation
echo - Error! Please run this script from a working Freenet installation.
echo -----
goto veryend

::Server may be down.
echo - Error! Could not download latest Freenet update information. Try again 
goto end

::Corrupt file was downloaded, restore comparison URL's from backup.
echo - Error! Freenet update failed, one or more files didn't download 
::Restore the old .sha1 files so we can check them again next run.
::Main jar
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url del freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak ren 
freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
::Ext jar
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 del freenet-ext.jar.sha1
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak ren freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak 
::Wrapper .exe
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
::Wrapper .dll
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist start.exe.sha1 del start.exe.sha1
if exist start.exe.sha1.bak ren start.exe.sha1.bak start.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe.sha1 del stop.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe.sha1.bak ren stop.exe.sha1.bak stop.exe.sha1
::Tray utility
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1 del freenettray.exe.sha1
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1.bak ren freenettray.exe.sha1.bak 
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak ren freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak 
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1 del seednodes.fref.sha1
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1.bak ren seednodes.fref.sha1.bak seednodes.fref.sha1

goto end

::Wrapper.conf is old, downloading new version and restarting update script
echo - Your wrapper.conf needs to be updated .... updating it; please restart 
the script when done.
:: Let's try falling back to the old version of the wrapper so we can keep our 
memory settings.  If it doesn't work we'll get a new one next time around.
if not exist wrapper.conf.bak goto newwrapper
if exist wrapper.conf del wrapper.conf
ren wrapper.conf.bak wrapper.conf
start update.cmd
goto veryend

if exist wrapper.conf ren wrapper.conf wrapper.conf.bak
:: This will set the memory settings back to default, but it can't be helped.
bin\wget.exe -o NUL --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10 
http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/update/wrapper.conf -O wrapper.conf
if not exist wrapper.conf goto wrappererror
if exist wrapper.password type wrapper.password >> wrapper.conf
start update.cmd
goto veryend

if exist wrapper.conf.bak ren wrapper.conf.bak wrapper.conf
goto error3

::Cleanup and restart if needed.
echo -----
echo - Cleaning up...

:: Maybe fix bug #2556
cd ..
echo - Changing file permissions
if %VISTA%==0 echo Y| cacls . /E /T /C /G freenet:F > NUL
if %VISTA%==1 echo y| icacls . /grant freenet:(OI)(CI)F /T /C > NUL

::Try to restart the tray if it was flagged as updated
if %TRAYUTILITYUPDATED%==0 goto restart
if exist tray_die.dat del tray_die.dat
start bin\freenettray.exe
if %RESTART%==0 goto cleanup2
echo - Restarting Freenet...
::See if we are using the new binary start.exe
if not exist bin\start.exe goto oldstarter
call bin\start.exe /silent
if errorlevel 0 goto cleanup2
cd update_temp
goto unknownerror

call bin\start.cmd > NUL

if %FILENAME%==update.new.cmd goto newend
if exist update_temp\update.new.cmd del update_temp\update.new.cmd
echo -----
goto veryend

::If this session was launched by an old updater, replace it now (and force 
exit, or we will leave a command prompt open)
copy /Y update.new.cmd update.cmd > NUL
echo -----

 ::We don't have enough privileges!
echo - File permissions error!  Please launch this script with administrator 
goto veryend

echo - An unknown error has occurred.
echo - Please scroll up and look for clues and contact support at 
::Restore the old .sha1 files so we can check them again next run.
::Main jar
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url del freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
if exist freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak ren 
freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url.bak freenet-%RELEASE%-latest.jar.url
::Ext jar
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1 del freenet-ext.jar.sha1
if exist freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak ren freenet-ext.jar.sha1.bak 
::Wrapper .exe
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1.bak wrapper-windows-x86-32.exe.sha1
::Wrapper .dll
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1 del wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak ren 
wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1.bak wrapper-windows-x86-32.dll.sha1
if exist start.exe.sha1 del start.exe.sha1
if exist start.exe.sha1.bak ren start.exe.sha1.bak start.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe.sha1 del stop.exe.sha1
if exist stop.exe.sha1.bak ren stop.exe.sha1.bak stop.exe.sha1
::Tray utility
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1 del freenettray.exe.sha1
if exist freenettray.exe.sha1.bak ren freenettray.exe.sha1.bak 
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1 del freenetlauncher.exe.sha1
if exist freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak ren freenetlauncher.exe.sha1.bak 
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1 del seednodes.fref.sha1
if exist seednodes.fref.sha1.bak ren seednodes.fref.sha1.bak seednodes.fref.sha1



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