I might well be able to make a series of recordings, but I repeat: where would 
you like it to happen and what equipment would you like to be used? Are we 
talking recording studios? Concert halls, churches and other venues used for 
recordings? Just saying it would be nice but not qualifying precisely what's 
wanted isn't helpful. Lay down a set of rules and I'll see what I can achieve. 
I live within walking distance of at least four major recording venues - two 
world-class recording studios and two venues routinely used used for classical 
recordings and performances - and within easy travelling distance of at least 
half a dozen more: Henry Wood Hall, Wigmore Hall, St. John's Smith Square, etc.

I have decent equipment available, perfectly capable of high quality recording, 
and access to some very high quality playback gear that I can probably borrow 
(or hire) for a day or two. The studios routinely have down-time in which it 
may be possible to conduct these tests, as do the various venues, but no doubt 
some money will have to change hands and it will all take time to organise. 

My main kit consists of assorted Schoeps & Sennheiser mics, a Soundfield ST450, 
a Tetramic, Metric Halo ULN-8/MacBook Pro and Sound Devices 702 and 788T 
recorders. I can lay hands on assorted DPA mics and Genelec speakers with a 
modest rental outlay, and other replay kit with a rather larger rental outlay. 
The more esoteric the kit, the more it's going to cost.

So, here's the offer: if someone wants to lay down precisely what's required in 
terms of how and where the recordings are made, what equipment should be used 
(within what I have available or can rent locally) and is prepared to lay out 
money for venue hire and kit rental where necessary, I will undertake to 
attempt to make the recordings at no cost other than expenses and make them 
available for general consumption. Recording studios should present no problems 
as they are commercial organisations who will gladly accept cash for any 
reasonable session - probably around £150/hour for the two main studios in 
London - Air Lyndhurst and Abbey Road. Deals can be done for down-time at both 
these studios, but firm bookings require the standard rate. I can get Angel for 
a bit less as I get a decent deal there. Churches and concert halls may be a 
bit cheaper to hire, but more difficult to arrange, but at least I can ask. I 
may also be able to do this in theatres and possibly in a couple of opera 
houses, but once again, someone else will have to decide how the set-up is to 
be arranged as the variables are pretty much infinite.

The reason I say that I may be able to undertake these tests is because I'm 
about to start doing a series of similar recordings for a loudspeaker 
manufacturer in venues that would not be suitable for recording music - railway 
stations, airports, etc., so will have a portable system set up and ready to 
travel for the next few months. I'll need a guarantee of costs covered before I 
start, though, and the time-scale will, by nature of my other freelance work, 
be somewhat flexible. 

The ball's in your court, folks.



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