Keith Addison wrote:

> <snip>
> >Geeze - no SUV's, no sports cars, what's next?
> >
> >Let us revive the Yugo, paint them all gray and require that
> >everyone drive one. Yes, comrade, we can have equality on the
> >People's roads!
> >
> >Seig Heil !
> >
> >Arne...
> Er, that should be "Sieg Heil". You're getting all mixed up - that's
> Nazi, not Communist. You don't call Nazis "comrade" and you don't say
> "Sieg Heil" to communists, it's just not polite. Yugos, Trabants,
> Zaporozhets and so on are Stalinist, not Nazi. Hitler's answer was
> the Volkswagen - "the People's Car".


Sorry about the spelling - I haven't taken German classes for a while. I was
kind of making a joke I think...

There is no fundamental difference between so-called "left" and "right"
versions of Total Government. Fascism and communism are merely sales tools
to get people to initially accept Total Government. The Bolshevik revolution
was funded by American and British bankers because the Czar refused to have
a privately owned and operated central bank, like the US's "Federal"
Reserve. Read "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen if you can find

I think the full name of the Nazi Party was "The National Socialist German
Workers Party" or something like that - a very "communistic" sounding name.
I prefer Gary Allen's political spectrum: Total Government on the left
(fascism, communism, etc.) and zero government (anarchy) on the right with
the republican form of government just to the left of anarchy - just enough
laws to protect the minority from the majority. "Democracy" is a form of
socialism - mob rule with the "masses" whipped up by centrally owned media.
I am against "democracy" except as a mode to elect representatives - they
are supposed to obey a Constitution - which is what makes a Republic. The US
is moving further to the left - Total Government - fascism, communism,
whatever you want to call it.

Politics is important to the whole biofuel discussion because things like
biodiesel tend to de-centralize energy production - competition to the banks
that own everything, including the centralized energy corporations. Self
reliant people compete with those that want to control something very
fundamental to our lives: the acquisition and use of energy. Even if we
switch to "clean" hydrogen power, it will still be produced by large
centralized corporate owned factories, which is why fuel cells are being
promoted by "those in charge."  Biodiesel is as dangerous to oil companies,
etc. as was alcohol in pre-prohibition times. Biofuel represents the ability
to be self reliant, a competitive threat to centralized energy production.


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