At 04:36 PM 2/14/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dana Linscott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
>- snipped...
>I can't disagree more.
Well, I would have a hard time AGREEING more.  I you want to claim that 
your product fits a certain set of qualities (such as the NBB list) then 
you must demonstrate that it is the same product.

Example:  Kenmore makes refrigerators that earn an energy star 
rating.  "Well, we make refrigerators like they do, so we're going to 
advertise energy star, too.  What?  Test our refrigerators?  What are you 
talking about?  We make 'em like they do!  They're both refrigerators, 
aren't they?"

The burden of proof lies on the producer.  It works in fuels, and in most 
any other products.  You make a claim, you have to back it up.  If you want 
to call your candy bar 99% fat-free, you have to demonstrate it in the 
lab.  It is truly sad that the price tag for demonstrating it is so high 
for Tom, ($1MM) but that doesn't mean that it should not then be required.

>Biodiesel is better for our health and the environment.

In general, no doubts here, but this is missing the point.  EPA works under 
regs.  Besides, you can end up with dioxins if you use certain kinds of 
yellow grease from floor grease traps, or so I've read on this 
list.  Similar doesn't mean same, and it's up to the producer, IF HE WANTS 
TO SELL, to demonstrate it.  Make it for your own personal car, you can 
pour whatever glop soap you want in your tank.  Offer it for sale, and 
you're in a whole new ball game.  Let the buyer beware is not legally 
sustainable, anymore.

>Even the sloppiest home-brew is better than the best petro-diesel.

Have to disagree with you here, Jim.  I can visualize some pretty sloppy 
product that comes out of the end of the biodiesel reaction that I would 
never put in my car.  Maybe it is better in certain carefully defined 
areas, but broad statements like this one only hurt your credibility, IMHO.

>Jim Burke

- Art

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