The NBB does not work that way.
I am not a need for it as I can't afford
to make bidiesel commercially.

A NBB members' product does not just "magically"
become bioidesel. They must agree to a quality control
program and post $100,000 bond which they forfiet if
they fail to maintian a minimum quality. The NBB won't
take thier word for it any more than the EPA
would..independent verification is required.

The NBB is to my knowledge the only quality assurance
that the public currently has that commercial
biodiesel is in fact biodiesel at all. The reason the
membership cost is so high is to assure that fast buck
folks don't get the NBB seal of approval and then sell
crap. Economically a bad move you see as they lose
thier $100,000 bond if they do.

Milk is milk..eggs are eggs. The average consumer can
readily tell if either is bad before much harm is
done. Not so biodiesel.  Biodiesel could be nearly any
oily liquid resembling biodiesel that the seller
chooses to call biodiesel. Without enforcable minimum
standards and independent verification that those
standards are being adhered to the public has no way
of knowing what they are being sold or if it is safe
to use.

So far the NBB is the only entity that I know of
attempting to do that. It was not cheap to develop the
standards and I think that the $100,000 bond is a
great way to ensure that NBB member producers don't
cheat and sell low quality biodiesel. It is in fact
consumer protection at a relativly low cost that is
borne entirely by the producers...those that
theoretically stand to profit the most.

I have seen no evidence that the NBB is a lacky of the
big boys. I do find it unfortunate that the minimum
that any commercial producer of biodiesel must come up
with  to share in the benefit of thier research is a
$100,000(bond) plus as it effectivly barrs very small
producers of Biodiesel from commercial production of
road fuel. But that is still a bargain compared to the
milion or so one would have to spend to develop and
independantly test thier own biodiesel standards. 

When I researched the possability of making a profit
by producing biodiesel commercially for road use no
matter how I tried I could not project a profit while
remaining within the law for an investment of less
than $275,000. The profit at that level was less than
the interest I could have made if I had $275,000 and
left it in the bank. As a business investment the risk
was bigger than farming and the profit even lower.

Trying to make a profit at the 40 gal. per day level
and remain within the law is impossible if you are
attempting to sell road fuel.

There are other alternatives though.


--- motie_d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Neoteric Biofuels Inc."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At first, I sympathized with YBD's plight, a sort
> of common 
> reaction of
> > sympathy for the "little guy". 
> I'm still at that stage I guess. I grew up on a
> Dairy Farm, and I'm 
> glad there was no government agency that singled out
> our farm for $1 
> Million testing to prove our milk was as good as the
> neighbor's, or 
> that our chickens laid just as good of eggs. The
> cows ate our 
> homegrown hay without complaint, and that was never
> tested by an 
> outside Agency either. We even sold a few bales to
> needy neighbors a 
> few times, or to someone who had a pet horse to
> feed.
> > They seek a level playing field between
> competitors and protection 
> of their
> > customers against fly-by-night operators producing
> inferior 
> products at
> > lower cost.
> If the implication is that this guy is producing an
> inferior product, 
> shouldn't there be some kind of evidence needed?
> > 
> > Setting standards and promoting membership to the
> more or less
> > self-regulating trade organization is the rule. It
> gives regulators 
> the
> > confidence to not over-regulate, and it gives
> consumers confidence 
> in the
> > product. If members cheat and put out a bad
> product, they can be 
> turfed and
> > the consumer and government regulators informed of
> non-compliance,
> > detrimental cost-cutting, etc.
> How do they know when there is non-compliance
> without testing it? Who 
> pays the $1 Million fee for the testing?
> > 
> > Small producers can do a good job, and the NBB
> should know that and 
> be
> > helpful and economical for small producers. 
> It sure sounds like they've fallen down on the job.
> If he were to 
> join this group, would he no longer have to pay for
> the testing now 
> being required? If he still uses the same production
> methods as 
> before, suddenly membership would make his product
> acceptable without 
> the need for $1Million dollars of outside testing?
> > 
> > They will not be allowed to free ride on the test
> data and 
> standards that
> > have been established for the industry.
> So this is what it all really boils down too? Sort
> of an unofficial 
> patent on biodiesel that everyone must pay license
> fees to? And 
> a 'pet' government agency to enforce it.
> Has anyone got any info on campaign contributions
> made by the Board?
> > In the meantime, suspend production.  
> Translation: The big guys can't compete with you,
> because of the 
> outrageous amounts they've contributed to lobbyists.
> >Buying from the majors would keep
> > one's hand in and the doors open until those
> efforts at making a 
> >place for
> > small producers within the NBB  hopefully pay off.
> And the piece of paper on the wall would
> 'officially' certify that 
> you are selling approved fuel, no matter what kind
> of stuff is really 
> There seem to be 3 choices available.
> Pay whatever dues to the Board, and be official.
> Pay extreme amounts for testing, possibly an annual
> event.
> Pay-off your own lobbyists.
> Motie

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