--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, "Greg  Harbican" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree up to a point, but, that point is what the other planes would do after 
the first crash, it could have been a mistake by a stupid hijacker ( that 
thought he knew how to fly ), but, the second crash showed it was not. Then 
again I normally work by the rule of 3, 1st time it's happenstance, the 2nd 
time its coincidence, 3rd time conspiracy.  In the case of 9/11, I went from 
happenstance right to conspiracy, because the odd were just too long and I 
remember reading the Tom Clancy, and I didn't even know that they ( the 
aircraft ) were hijacked.

You are right, people made decisions some were right, some were wrong.   One of 
the wrong decisions was to arm all the fighters to the max, instead of just 
sending some up right away, with nothing but ammo for the guns, and send the 
rest up later.  Another was waiting 15 - 20 min to let NORAD know about the 
first of the hijackings.  The list could go on but why bother at this point?

I still think that the Pres. was in shock over a scenario that was never 
practiced, that is my opinion, but, I have been told that voicing my opinion on 
this list, is rewriting history, so I won't bother going any farther about 
other opinions, we certainly wouldn't want to learn that the Japanese won WW2, 
by dropping atomic bombs on Portland, and Seattle, now would we.

Greg H.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Hakan Falk
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 09:28
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: THE HOT MOVIE


  No one have ever said it was not a mess and many mistakes done. The only
  thing I am saying is that many knew that it was hijackings, about one
  minute after they left the route in the flight plan. This is the system and
  it works very well. After that it was a matter of judgements and some human
  errors, that made the decision making too slow. When the first plane
  slammed in the WTC, it was not only known that the plane was hijacked, but
  also what the others would do. The last 10 to 15 minutes they were all
  tracked by ground radar and identified, because it was air control areas
  and because the hijackers had no means to turn off the transponders..
  Before the first attack on WTC, nobody could guess the goals for the
  hijackings. If the others would have had fighter at their tail, something
  might have been done. I suspect that the Pennsylvania one was rightfully
  shot down on the Vice President's order, but it is a complete fog around
  what really happened in this case.

  The only thing that I accuse the president of is his reaction on the news
  about hijackings, which I do think was human and not very surprising. I am
  not blaming Bush for not preventing 911, because I think that it would be a
  long shot to do so. I do not blame him for a completely passive reaction to
  the hijackings, because it would be natural to wait for reception of the
  hijackers demand. What I do blame Bush of is the blatant tries, and in some
  cases successes, to draw political capital of the situation and paint
  himself as a decisive president. I also blame him for taking this as a
  motive to invade Iraq.

  Us had only one reason to invade Iraq and it was the same as Japan had for
  its attack of Pearl Harbor. Japan did it, in hope that they would get oil
  for its war efforts and US did it to be able to fill up their SUVs and keep
  the economy going. Not very heroic reasons, but very understandable, looked
  from national economic and security interests. What is still questionable,
  is if it is going to be a success or if it is going to backfire with dire
  consequences, as for Japan. I think that Bush in this case failed, by not
  assigning 2 to 3 times more troops to the venture. By having a dragged out
  period of violence and lack of security, he lost the initiative and by that
  caused severe damages to US and its international standing. How could he
  risk the whole venture on a belief that the Iraqi people would welcome US
  as liberator and "win their hearts and minds". It is an unforgivable
  stupidity, which brought a lot of unnecessary pain to the Iraqi people. No
  wonder that Shalabi lost his favored status, Bush must be very angry at
  him, for believing in him.


  At 16:32 05/07/2004, you wrote:
  >Lets, think it through.
  >Up to 9/11 hijackers didn't hijack to get a hold of a airliner in order to
  >actually take out a building ( at least in the U.S. ), so why should this
  >be any different than those times other that the fact a airliner was
  >hijacked within, a with second and third with in minutes of each other and
  >the fourth, about a half an hour after the third, all of them within about
  >an hour, and at least one of them is believed to extended airline courtesy
  >to an airline crewman ( in this case one of the terrorist with a stolen
  >uniform, is invited it sit in the cockpit jump seat ):
  >AA Flight 11
  >Approximately 8:14 am
  >UA Flight 175
  >Approximately 8:40 am
  >AA Flight 77
  >Approximately 8:45
  >UA Flight 93
  >Before 9:27
  >NORAD is not informed until approximately 8:30 about Flight 11, and
  >crashed into the north tower 15 min after that, Flight 77 is hijacked at
  >about the same time.
  >Flight 175 hits the south tower at 9:02, about 20 min after it was hijacked.
  >So there is confusion in all the ranks as to just how many aircraft have
  >been hijacked ( in fact if you read the full timelines for each of the
  >flights, you would see, that at some points there is still confusion about
  >when some of the aircraft were hijacked ).
  >A commander in the military wants the aircraft doing the intercepts fully
  >armed, ( despite being told that will take an hour ), just guns ( just 10
  >min ), guns and heatseaking missiles ( 30 min ) guns, heatseakers, and
  >radar homing missiles ( 1 hr ), and this is at after 9 o'clock.
  >" Shortly after the second WTC crash, calls from fighter units start
  >"pouring into NORAD and sector operations centers, asking, 'What can we do
  >to help?' At Syracuse, New York, an ANG commander [tells Northeast Air
  >Defense Sector (NEADS) commander Robert] Marr, 'Give me 10 min. and I can
  >give you hot guns. Give me 30 min. and I'll have heat-seeker [missiles].
  >Give me an hour and I can give you slammers [Amraams].' " Marr replies, "
  >As you can see, there is confusion all over the place, but it wasn't until
  >after the second WTC crash that it was known that it was an attack,
  >instead on a stupid hijacker at the controls.   In fact fighters scrambled
  >for flight 11 were in the area ( 60 miles away ), but, no one thought to
  >tell the F-15s of the threat that flight 175 posed, because no one
  >realized that it was there or that someone was in the area, that might
  >have done something about it.
  >The minute Flight 175 hits the south tower, F-15 pilot Major Daniel Nash
  >says that clear visibility allows him to see smoke pour out of Manhattan,
  >even though NORAD says he is 71 miles away. However, he says he can't
  >recall actually being told of the Flight 11 hit. [Cape Cod Times, 8/21/02]
  >He isn't told about the danger of Flight 175 until after it too has
  >crashed and he is 60 miles away.
  >To say that the president knew what was going on and that it was an attack
  >from the start, when that much confusion was going through the regular
  >ranks is speculation at best, because he would not have had anymore
  >information that what his advisers could give him.
  >Greg H.

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