----- Original Message ----- 
From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 00:12
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Using an email discussion list

> The only problem with "political" posts is that they can disagree
> with how we feel about a given issue.  My first response to the "Kerry
> Poll" results was that American politics are not the business of the
> "rest of the world."  However, this is simply not true.  What we do
> impacts a very large number of other people who share the same planet,
> (arguably, all of them) and the leadership of our country matters to
> these people, even if they have no right to vote in our election as we
> do.

And the opposite is true to.  What the leadership (official or un-official
leadership ) of other countries do, affects the US as well.    What they do,
also affects the US as well as the planet.    Matters of foreign policy of
any nation ( and/or religious belief ) affect everyone on the planet, should
we ( the people - not the leadership, of the US ) be telling them what to do
as well?    That would be nice, but, totaly unrealistic especially if the
other leaders decide that we are heathen, for stupid things like were we
live, or what religion we want to believe in.

In theory, it would be nice if the people of a country/state/nation told
their leaders what they want, and the leaders should then follow through,
but, unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way ( you know the saying " You
can't please all of the people all of the time"? ).    In some cases the
leaders tell the people what the people want, or the leaders just tell the
people what needs to be done and if it isn't done death or worse is the
result.    At other times the leader finds out what he/she thinks the people
want, and does it, even if it is something totaly opposite the following

> Many of these people are our friends, and as such, we should be
> listening to them, even if we see the issues in an entirely different
> light.  They want us to do what is right and good.  They want us to
> take a responsible leadership role.  There's nothing wrong with them
> telling us so.

Granted, and I have no problem with that, as long as it is in the proper
time and place.    Were I on a international political list I would not only
expect it, I would encourage exchange of political ideas.

> I encourage you to develop some respect for the differing "political"
> views posted on this forum.  You and I don't have to agree with them,
> but we Americans shouldn't be dismissive either.  Personally, I don't
> care for EITHER candidate, so I'm going to hold my nose when I cast my
> ballot. . .

I have respect for "political" views, I just don't believe this is the
proper place to be doing laundry.    I don't care for some things that both
of the major candidates have done, the only difference, is that one has more
of my respect than the other.

> Concerning the propriety of such posts on the biofuels list, it's
> been a long established principle that these belong here.  That is not
> negotiable.  If you and I don't like them, we don't have to read them.

I know, and that's why I try and delete them.    Sometimes I fail, and
react, when I'm at my worse.    Unless I really am careful, and know my mood
is bad, I am a fish that is hooked by " Troll Bait ".    Other times it is
only a simple annoyance to the reason I joined the list, and is just

Greg H.

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