----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Israel's "Terrorists"

> Luc,
> Small problem, even if the Christians, the Muslims and the Jews have the
> same God, it is only the Christians who recognize and bother about what
> Jesus said.

Not true, Islam recognizes Jesus as a Prophet and cares a great deal about
what He said. Islam also concurs with the virgin birth of Mary and also
agree with the Christian belief that Jesus will return, however the
Talmudists have Him boiling in hot excrement in hell, and Mary, His mother,
an adultress who fornicated with a Roman soldier from where Jesus was
conceived, a bastard son.
 Those are, of course, major differences.

Since Israel is one of the few states who are based on and
> declared as a religious state for the Jews (therefore not democratic),

Sorry, but wrong again. Israel was to be a "homeland" for those calling
themsleves "jews" and was only created after the Zionists coerced Britain
into the Balfour Declaration which was later ratified by the UN, officially
giving a chunk of Palestine to the Zionists for a "jewish homeland". The
"religious" aspect was an afterthought and not part of the original intent,
althopugh generally accepted as such.
There are still today many many of those calling themselves "jews" who do
not recognise the political state of Israel nor it's crimes as being
legitimately appologizable.

>I am afraid that they do not care about Jesus either. This means that
Israel cannot be counted as belonging to the "Christian enablers",

No one is suggesting that those who live in Israel and call themselves
"jews" are the "enablers"; that reference was to those so-called christians
in the US's major churches who have overwhelmingly endorced and financed the
Iraq atrocity in complete disaccord with the teachings of Christ.

>but they do  activities that some would call war, others would call it
> persecution, and discrimination against population in occupied areas, in
> itself a war crime according to international law. I does not really
> matter, since neither US or Israel recognize the court who would enforce
> such international laws, at least when it suits them. The same with the UN
> authority. The deck of cards is stacked and it is nothing that anyone can
> do about it, other than accept it in front of the barrel of the gun

Mao's little red book had it well, quoting the famed Chinese leader as
stating,"Peace is best achieved by the barrel of the gun". Great minds think
alike huh?

>and the threat that Americans will stop eating foreign food, like "French
> The latter did not work and the US version of those "French fried
> would not be passed by a French chef anyway, so why bother.

The "bother" is that when these killers of the innocent try to tell us via
their controlled lap dogs that they are only attacking "terrorists" and that
is a blatant outright lie, and it is this lie that deserves to be exposed,
as well as those who support it and propagate it, not to mention the
so-called rational that they use as justification for such acts of


> Hakan
> At 12:55 AM 10/1/2004, you wrote:
> >Here is yet one more article showing those dirty "terrorists" that Israel
> >loves to hunt down.
> >
> >http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/?sid=94b841fa40055601
> >
> >Ah, the brave IDF and it's US supporters and so-called "christian"
> >enablers. What champions of right and righteousness !
> >
> >What did Jesus say ?
> >"Suffer the little children to come unto me for OF SUCH is the kingdom of
> >Heaven", but do these phoney so-call christian enablers of wars and
> >slaughter interpret that ?- "make the little chikldren suffer". Sick
> >
> >Luc
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