After having a peruse I may even want to give it a link in the Oragnics Section of my site or something. We all need to seek out ways to better our health. No one is going to avoid dying, but we sure can have a good and long quality of life though.
PS:Maybe I should be thinking of adding a section only for probiotics. I already have an article on it, but sources I do not have.Hmmm, worth a thought.

Have a look at Future Foods too (in Britain):
Future Foods - weird & wonderful things for the edible garden

Not only plants, also ferments, fungi.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Kim & Garth Travis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] C.Difficile Epidemic in Quebec

Wonderful advice Luc. I would add that kefir taken daily really promotes good health. Kefir grains really are Mother Nature's best defence for health. The nice part, is that one aquires grains just by paying the shipping, then in a couple of weeks, you have lots of grains to share with family and friends. Learn more at:

Bright Blessings,

At 07:52 AM 10/27/2004, you wrote: lan041026.html

Check out what they are doing to curb it. Reducing anti-biotics, duh. Anti-biotics overuse has resulted in many more diseases than they have "cured". All the while attacking "bad" bacteria they also eliminate "good" bacteria leaving the immune system depleted of it's defenses and then along comes Mr. Pathogen (just like in tress) and wreaks a nightmare, and because these pathogen are so prolific it isn't long before what was a minor problem becomes a major health concern, just like over use of fertilizers in soil. Same causation, same effect. When T cells are healthy the immuno functions, including the lymph, cleans out and purify the blood and move dead cells and other pathogens along to be disposed of, but if the immuno functions are weakened by anti-biotic overkill then the lymph can't do it's job properly and you get ... sick. When anti-biotics MUST be used it is recommended that a probiotic such as acidophilus accompany it to offset some of the negative effects of the immuno depletion Of course there are exemptions, as in all rules, but this is the standard, now starting to be admitted by the "community" of those heralding themselves as "health experts". HRT was a really good earner, I mean solution, until they were forced to admit it is a carcinogen. Vioxx was a really good earner, oops, I mean solution until people started killing themselves. Lipitor wa a really good... unti it also proveed to be counter-health producting. Moral of the story ? Live a healthy life and feed your body with high quality healthy fresh foods and you won't have to worry about finding a "solution" later.


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