This logic is just conjecture based on our own way of rationalizing things... 
Its like the IBM Supercomputer definition (this was postulated back in the 
early 90s and really doesn't apply today):

A supercomputer is defined as being any computer that can run faster than the 
fastest computer at IBM.

This seems nice and all but it also means that no matter how fast a computer 
IBM makes it can never be a supercomputer.

This logic and, the "moving of the rock" logic is the same but it doesn't prove 
or disprove or define or not define GOD, ALAH, or any super being.  All it does 
it illustrate out our efforts to rationalize such unseen things.

But here is my 2 cents on god and the bible (or qur'an):  People don't have 
faith in god, people have faith in men (gender specific) that they told the 
truth about god in their writings.  God didn't write anyting (ok, its said the 
commandments, but moses could have changed them), men did (not women).  That is 
a bitter pill zelots simply cannot swallow.

It doesn't mean god exists or the bible is false.  It just points out our faith 
base is not in god but in men.

On Wednesday, November 10, 2004  8:47 AM, Greg  Harbican wrote:
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 07:47:01 -0700
>From: Greg  Harbican
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] about God
>Why should he want to?
>Greg H.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gabriel Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 19:54
>Subject: [Biofuel] about God
>> It's told that God can create and do anything, as he wish.  Following the
>> logic of this statement, he could create a rock which is impossible to
>> even for him because he can do anything he wants.  But if he can't lift
>> rock, this mean he can't do anything he wants.
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