permits for you to make biodiesel in a retail environment. Of course new processor technology and new approaches to energy may change that but I don't see this as viable in the near term.

Phillip Wolfe wrote:

Dave -

What size would you recommend for a typical "gas
station/C-store" in the United States?

There are orphan gas stations that can be potentially
converted into a biodiesel/clean fuel gas
station....maybe a neighborhood gas station of the
future will have a WVO biorefiner in back of the
station and pumps in a neighborhood
Most refernces state that the average medium sized gas
station sells about 40,000 to 80,000 gallons per month
of traditional fuels to remain profitable viable and
pay the bills.

Interested in gathering more research.
Phillip Wolfe
Kenneth Kron
President Bay Area Biofuel
Phone: 415-867-8067
        What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it!
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe <>.

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