Thanks Keith,

Maybe you could publish a dictionary on Biodiesel Jargon(hehe) no but
seriously if we want people to be guided, then the resources for their
"inquisitive minds" should be available.  Like what happened to me, i was
just looking for ways to make methanol(and i don't remember why i wanted to
make methanol) and the search engine gave me biodiesel instead.  Now i am
making biodiesel and smelling like it.  Good thing this stuff isnt toxic!
But the point is that you guys made a webpage with all the information i
needed really encouraged me to do it(Thanks alot again, you have made
Mother Earth proud).  So the next evolution would be to make it more
specific, how to test the used oil and from there classify the process
needed to get good biodiesel.  From the other messages, some have resorted
to using virgin vegetable oil as raw material.  From a business point of
view that may be feasible but from an environmental view maybe not.  We
want to close the cycle of pollution(throwing away used oil) and making it
profitable.  No one said there wouldn't be any challenges.  But how can
victory be sweet if there is no sorrow.  

Keith, i'm very interested in the NIR spectrometer thing.  Do you have any
experience with that equipment?  is it expensive?


Ken C.

At 04:46 PM 7/18/01 +0900, you wrote:
>>WVO - waste vegetable oil
>>what is VVO
>"Virgin Vegetable Oil" I suppose. It's yet another silly acronym, 
>they proliferate like cancer cells, confounding comprehension and 
>clarity. It's jargon, is all. All newspapers restrict these things, 
>with good reason, but techies love 'em, scientists too - such 
>scientists as the one who once asked me to "dejargonalize" his 
>learned paper for him so he could get it published. (I sent it back 
>to him undejargonalised, feeling as I do that writers should either 
>avoid jargonalizationalism in the first place or do their own damn' 
>disundejargonalizing, might help to focus their minds a bit - the 
>more jargon, the poorer the work. Yes, the work, not just the 
>WVO doesn't work well either, but it seems we're stuck with it - 
>"waste vegetable oil", yes, only it very often contains animal fats. 
>But an attempt to get it fixed simply led to a further proliferation 
>of noxious acronyms. In Britain they call it RVO - reclaimed 
>vegetable oil, as if anyone else would understand that. Hell, most 
>people don't even know what biodiesel is. :-( At Journey to Forever 
>we generally use "used cooking oil", not perfect, but better.
>Keith Addison
>>Thanks for the clarification.
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