Hi Ken

>Thanks Keith,
>Maybe you could publish a dictionary on Biodiesel Jargon(hehe)

Aaarghh!! (a) It would only encourage more jargon use, as well as 
jargon proliferation, exacerbating the considerable difficulties of 
(b) keeping the sodding thing updated. :-( Yeah, I know, you're 

>no but
>seriously if we want people to be guided, then the resources for their
>"inquisitive minds" should be available.  Like what happened to me, i was
>just looking for ways to make methanol(and i don't remember why i wanted to
>make methanol) and the search engine gave me biodiesel instead.  Now i am
>making biodiesel and smelling like it.  Good thing this stuff isnt toxic!
>But the point is that you guys made a webpage with all the information i
>needed really encouraged me to do it(Thanks alot again, you have made
>Mother Earth proud).

:-) Yer more'n welcome.

>So the next evolution would be to make it more
>specific, how to test the used oil and from there classify the process
>needed to get good biodiesel.

We've been pushing that. I think you'll find more about it at Journey 
to Forever than most places. And more coming.

>From the other messages, some have resorted
>to using virgin vegetable oil as raw material.  From a business point of
>view that may be feasible but from an environmental view maybe not.  We
>want to close the cycle of pollution(throwing away used oil) and making it
>profitable.  No one said there wouldn't be any challenges.  But how can
>victory be sweet if there is no sorrow.
>Keith, i'm very interested in the NIR spectrometer thing.  Do you have any
>experience with that equipment?  is it expensive?

Yes, it's expensive, but the tests are much cheaper and simpler. And 
it needs one-off GC tests to serve as a baseline. Re which, see 
Steve's message today, "Re: Enough waste oil?"

No, I don't have any experience of NIR. You should understand that 
I'm not in the biofuels-for-sale business, nor likely to be. I don't 
really have any "interest" in this group, I just started it because 
there seemed to be a need - I kept (keep) getting letters from folks 
wanting to go into biz and needing some advice.

Anyway, Steve Spence turned up the original ARS news release and I 
followed it up by writing to Gerhard Knothe and uploading the papers 
he sent me. (As I said, we try to push the quality issue.)

You see.


Keith Addison

>Ken C.

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
Biofuel at WebConX
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