Thanks Kieth.

After reading the article by Naom Chomsky, Two things stood out in my mind and two statements keep me from forgetting them.

"That (the existence of WMD's) was the "single question," as stressed constantly by Bush, Prime Minister Blair and associates. It was also the sole basis on which Bush received congressional authorisation to resort to force."

"Iraq and other possible conflicts in the future could provide recruitment, training grounds, technical skills and language proficiency for a new class of terrorists who are 'professionalised' and for whom political violence becomes an end in itself."

1.) There is no length to which an American president will go to make a case for war.

2.) There is no length to which an American president will go to perpetuate conflict "in the name of..."

As an American citizen, I must believe that there are people in the world who understand that not all Americans stand by this president and that there is a difference between a people and its government.

Considering the circumstances of last two elections, the overwhelming cash flow and the influence it bought through the use corporate resources, many of us know who won the last two elections and why. The most disturbing aspect of the last two elections is that under our current duopoly, the victory would not have changed, irrespective of who finally moved into White House.  

George Bush: “Every life is precious—that’s what distinguishes us from the enemy.” 

The irony is incredible!

100,000 Excess Iraqi Deaths Since War - Study

See also:

Impeachable offenses committed without a formal investigation or serious media coverage.

...but don't you dare get caught with a girlfriend in the Oval Office.



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