er, sorry, but were you being sarcastic or serious?


In a message dated 8/10/05 8:56:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< "The American way of life is not negotiable." 

I personally feel I need a huge SUV for my lifestyle.   Why, just the 

other day I drove my V10  Excursion to WalMart to get a pencil.  I could 

have walked, but that's not The American Way.  I personally am furious 

about  gas prices in the US. I'm not sure who I'm furious with, but I 

think it might be the Democrats.  I'm pretty sure I'm also furious with 

the Saudis.  I was furious with Saddam, what with his WMD and the whole 

9/11 thing, but I think we all agree that's been taken care off.  I am 

very angry that Asians hold most of our government debt, but I am also 

extremely upset that S. Korea mused aloud about diversifying out of dollars.

Taxes.  I'm very mad about taxes.  I just sold my palatial mansion in 

Palm Beach and have to pay 15% capital gains!!  Thank goodness my 

gardener, Roberto, pays 28% on his wages or it could have been worse.

Mike, The Ugly American >>

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