
What the devil has oil to do with it?  (everything - I know) Perhaps they would like to save some oil or perhaps they would like to join the nuclear big boys club. Why doesn't Iran have just as much right to 'play with ' as you put it, nuclear energy as any other nation who has the capability to develop it?  Conversely what right does the US vis a vis the UN have to determine the energy programs of foreign lands?  What is sovereignty then? This attitude of hegemony is what brings about the hatred of the US which is so widespread around the world. The people of that country let their leaders get away with this again and again even after the reprisals which have been felt so dearly by the american people but which are actually puny in comparison to the carnage their governments have inflicted directly and indirectly abroad. What if the situation were reversed and it was Iran trying to say that america should not have nuclear power?  The american people would be incensed by the audacity and arrogance of that attitude from a foreign source.


C. J. Thornton wrote:


What I'd like to know is - What does a country sitting
on top of a sea of oil need with nuclear energy??? 

--- Bud Eble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"AUG 20:  Oil may rise above $75 a barrel in the
next three months if the dispute over Iran's nuclear
programme causes the country to cut exports, said
David Thurtell, head of commodity research at
Commonwealth Bank of Australia. "

Read the rest at


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