I suppose it boils down to my mothers experience with red cross (1945). She received a loan from them - nothing was given. The aid which others gave to the red cross was loaned and repaid with interest to the red cross. I also know from when I lived in Montana that the state got a bill from red cross for the coffee and donuts for fire fighters. The people passing the goodies out were volunteers and much of the donuts and coffee was donated by local business. I think there are charities that don't pay big salaries and perks and get the donations to the needy AS DONATIONS.
I understand the Salvation Army is one of the best in terms of getting donations to the needy.
I don't know how much of each dollar red cross diverts but I did find this:
According to the annual financial forms filed with the IRS for the
American Red Cross, as made available at Guidestar:


[NOTE:  Free registration at Guidestar may be required to view this form]

Ms. Evans, in 2004, received a salary of $450,008, and additional
benefits of $18,591.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It always makes good copy, this kind of yarn, but it's a cheap hit
unless they can really nail it down, and I don't think they did.
We've seen some flakey stuff from the SMH before now, for instance in
the leading role they played in the disinfo campaign against ethanol
a year or two back.

Kirk, are you perhaps holding the Red Cross guilty until proven
innocent? I much prefer smaller agencies, but that's not to say there
isn't a role for the big ones. They're criticisable, like everyone
else, but for all their faults I reckon the world would be a lot
worse off without the Red Cross.



>The Red Cross has again denied that money donated to the tsunami
>appeal would be spent on wining and dining major donors.
>The Herald reported today that donors who had pledged at least $1000
>to the Asian tsunami appeal were invited to a wine and canape event
>in Sydney last night, staged by the Red Cross.
>But the Red Cross today dismissed the report, saying the cost of the
>evening had been funded out of its "general operating costs".
>The Red Cross is staffed by volunteers at the grass roots level so
>that is not an expense yet we read that
>The Red Cross, according to its Web page, gave out elsewhere
>$153,800,000 of the over $320 million donated specifically for its
>September 11 disaster relief fund. I consider that significant
>diversion The general operating costs come from contributions so for
>the red cross to dismiss the 5000 invited to wine and canapes in
>Sydney is absurd.
>If you would have your contibutions go to the needy and not some fat
>cat with a chauffer give to The Salvation Army or some other group
>that doesn't divert the monies from the intended recipient.

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
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