mark manchester wrote:

> Quickly replying!  I love nettle tea, I grow nettles just so I can have
> fresh tea, and it's so good for you, iron and D and all that.  Or try making
> Pho with it, if you ever tire of beef or shrimp pho.  The chile sauce, "fish
> socks" (sauce of course, but it has a certain smelllllll), lime chunks, etc.
> that goes with traditional pho soup... this is a great application.

        I don't eat anything that had brown eyes and a mom, so no beef for 
me!  Also, I stay away from bottom feeders.  I've never tried pho 
before--it's a kind of Vietnamese noodle soup, is it not?

> I'm feeling sensitive because I just made my first batch of tea yesterday
> and have been basking in springtime.

        Ok, I'll take your word that it's healthy (it certainly LOOKS 
healthy), but the water is FULL of bugs.  I suppose I could strain 
them out, but I can't STAND the flavor of the tea.

> But Robert, ohmygawd, it never OCCURRED to me to eat the nettles!  Thanks!
> Just a light flip-fry, I suppose, maybe garlic.  Just like rapini?

        My sweetheart did a butter / olive oil / garlic stir fry in a really 
hot pan for lunch.  It was delicious!  One of the nice things about 
nettles is that they suppress appetite, so I'm feeling nice and 
content right now.

        We're trying to cut out sweets and exercise more regularly.  Diabetes 
runs in both our families, so we need to be careful that our body 
masses don't creep up with age, and we'd would like our boys to grow 
up eating more sensibly than is the case for most of the population in 
our area.  Nettles grow wild around here, and they're VERY abundant 
among the shaded, north-facing slopes rising above our subdivision. 
We can only harvest them for a short time while they're tender, so NOW 
is the time for us to cut nettles.  A friend, who goes on a walk every 
day, takes a bag with her and fills one up every day.  In a two or 
three week period of time, she collects enough to freeze for the year 
and enjoys eating nettles in every season.

        I still can't bring myself to do a horsetail stir fry . . .  We hae 
PLENTY of that around here too!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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