This is freakin news to me, D!!!  And an outrage!!!!  Anyone see last Tuesday 
evening's Boston Legal?  Prepping the American public?  It included Denny Crane 
having to go to court to get his name off a list of suspected terrorists that 
included the name "Denny Crane."  Because his name was on the list, he was not 
able to fly on a commercial airline.  Unfortunately, the show made no mention 
of a National I.D. Card, which it could have.  Anyway, looks like beginning in 
May, 2008, doing business in Amerika (ie, living) changes dramatically...just 
in time for the elections in give those bastards something to say 
they'll overturn just to get elected, then do nothing, especially Hillary if 
that bitch gets the nomination, as she is already on record for the implanting 
of RFID chips (see Frist-Clinton bill, S. 1262, also this link:  Peace? Light? 
"Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door! Quoth the 
Raven, 'Nevermore.'" Mike DuPree
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: D. Mindock 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:16 AM
  Subject: [Biofuel] I.D. Cards and Rifers

  The national ID card is an important method to take away any semblance of
  freedom in Amerika. Blurb below is from an alt medicine list. Slowly but
  surely we are being herded into the allopathic, high cost, deadly, model
  of medicine with its emphasis on drugs and surgery. Peace, D. Mindock
  P.S. Stop shopping, start agitating. We have the power to stop the demolition
  of our democracy.

  Subject: I.D. Cards 

  Dear friends, forgive the politics on the list, but I see a grave danger
  coming up to Rifers* in particular. The new National I.D. Cards were passed
  last year in Congress, and will take effect in 2008 unless we stop it. It
  will have an RFI chip in it and the government will be able to track you at
  all times. Why this applies to us in particular is that if your number is
  "accidently" turned off in I.D. Central, you will not be able to do a
  banking transaction, cross a bridge or get on a toll road, fly in a plane or
  get a drivers license or passport.You will be neutralized with a keystroke.
  With the medical paradigm crumbling fast, and noting the fact that rifers
  have already been charged as terrorists under the Patriot Act [like our dear
  Ian in China et. al, think how vulnerable we will all be to having our new
  numbers turned off because we threaten the status quo and big bucks
  Please watch this 2 hour google video made by the award-winning director
  Aaron Russo- 

  The first half deals with the IRS and the second deals with the I.D. Cards.
  We need to put pressure on congress to reverse this or we may be in for some
  chilling times. All my love, lee 

  *Note: The Rife machine uses frequencies to alleviate most diseases and
  has been in existance since the 1920's when it was developed by
  Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, then squelched by the AMA. More info at


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