The modern skeptics' primary target is a mercury-based vaccine 
stabilizer called thimerosal, which critics charge has caused a sharp 
increase in autism in America. Between 1992 and 2002, the skeptics note, 
doctors in the United States diagnosed 10 times more cases of the 
syndrome. But anti-vaccine critics fail to note that between 1987 and 
2004, the American Psychiatric Association's official Diagnostic and 
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders revised its definition of autism 
twice; each time that resulted in an immediate surge in the number of 
children identified as autistic. Further, when the definitions of autism 
were standardized, it turned out that Denmark (where no thimerosal was 
used in vaccines) and Minnesota had the same per capita incidence of 
autism. Finally, studies show that boys are at least four times more 
likely than girls to suffer from functional autism, but boys and girls 
are equally likely to be vaccinated.

Because Allen does not often reflect on the ways that contemporary 
battles may mirror those described in his earlier historical treatise, 
the two halves of his book are not well-linked. For example, he offers a 
concise analysis of the early days of the development of a vaccine for 
polio, when the pioneering Hilary Koprowski tried out an innovative oral 
vaccine on thousands of youngsters in Congo. In passing, Allen notes 
that during the 1990s, a British journalist named Edward Hooper falsely 
claimed that Koprowski's experiments spawned the AIDS pandemic. But 
Allen misses the next chapter in that sorry saga: Having read Hooper's 
claims, a cluster of imams in northern Nigeria announced that Muslims 
should refuse to have their children vaccinated against polio. 
Overnight, the global fight against polio shifted; the disease, which 
had been on the brink of complete eradication, again spread throughout 
the Muslim world and parts of India.

The rest of the write up:

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