Hi Chris

Hi, Keith.

Thanks much, all. I didn't post this piece because I thought it was a great
 > article.

I, for one, certainly did not think that was why you posted it (and I doubt
anyone else did, either).

Oh. That's a relief. :-)

Apologies if it seemed that way.

No, no, not at all

 > As Daryl says, one can usually expect better of Dyer. . .

Dyer is an unknown to me as this is the first i've seen of him.  Not a very
auspicious introduction.  But between you and Darryl getting his back, so
to speak, i'll have to try and withhold judgement.  But i will say, it is
terribly, terribly, extremely hard to read that piece and not conclude that
he was (to put it mildly) not really being above board.

I wouldn't argue against that.

But then, in his defence, there's the case of George Monbiot, for one:

Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power
Japan's disaster would weigh more heavily if there were less harmful alternatives. Atomic power is part of the mix
George Monbiot
The Guardian, Monday 21 March 2011

One of many list comments:


And then he did it again:

Greens must not prioritise renewables over climate change
Abandoning nuclear at a time of escalating emissions is far more dangerous than maintaining it
George Monbiot and Chris Goodall
Monday 8 August 2011

I don't think any of us thought dear old George is in anybody's pocket though. So IMHO we can't (yet) convict Mr Dyer on any evidence that's beyond reasonable doubt. We can say that either he's an idiot or he's been spun (in other words he's an idiot). Maybe he was spun by George Monbiot.

As I said, it's a common argument, and I don't think we're done with it yet.



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