I faced a similar situation and ended up writing my own. Its open source 
and available at https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/swagger-request-validator

Its framework agnostic and has adapters for WireMock (as well as Rest 
Assured and Pact).

Feel free to raise any issues you find on the issue tracker attached to the 

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 9:08:10 PM UTC+10, Tom Akehurst wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to find a good way to implement the following use case:
> I'm building a WireMock-based mock of a 3rd party API my project depends 
> on. I'd like to be able to write a suite of tests that can be run against 
> either the real API or the mock, where each HTTP request/response is 
> captured and validated against a Swagger spec.
> I realise swagger-inflector is capable of validating exchanges, but it 
> appears to be tied to a specific server-side stack (please correct me if 
> I'm wrong!). I'd like a library with a similar architecture to this one for 
> RAML, which works against its own HTTP model and has adapters for various 
> HTTP clients: https://github.com/nidi3/raml-tester. That way I can run it 
> client or server, pick my own client and adapt it to WireMock's request log 
> API.
> If such a library exists, please can somebody point me to it?
> If it doesn't there's a good chance I'll end up writing it, so my next 
> question (for core community members) is: Would this would be of interest 
> for community adoption?
> Thanks,
> Tom

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