The Cygnus version was first I beleive (copyright 83, 85).  Interstel
version is copyright 83,86.  I'll leave the "worth" judgement up to you.  I
don't think either one is more common than the other.  However, I am a
particular fan of Interstel because of their awesome version of Empre:
Wargame of the Century -- one of my all-time favorite games.  Interstel's
version  was also the first version I played...the version that was
available for the Atari ST at the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 5:37 PM
To: Hugh Falk
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Accessible storage?

Hugh Falk wrote:
> I've attached a pic of the old GOTCHA closet, which uses the stackable

I still love this picture, as I can (scarily) identify over 20 titles on the
shelves, even given the pic's crappy resolution.

> Yes, I have 3 Star Fleets.  Did you know that Star Fleet I was published
> both Cygnus and Interstel?  They have slightly different boxes, but
> otherwise, they are the same game.

I had no idea.  Which one is "worth" more?

> I also use those plastic footlockers you can get at any home store to
> items I don't need quick access to.

After 4 or 5 of those, they lose their effectiveness :-)  I have one filled
the brim with backup Lexmark IBM keyboards, however, thank goodness.  I
type effectively on anything else.
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