Hugh Falk wrote:
> The DVD project sounds awesome...please let me know more!

The quick answer (for the benefit of those on this list not directly interested
in demos) is that ex-Hornet is creating a double-sided DVD of demos.  Not the
raw data files themselves, but video of the actual demos playing.  One side of
the disc will be modern eye-candy, and the other side will be old-school demos
from 1995 and earlier.

The motivation for the disc was the old-school side -- it is becoming
increasingly impossible to run old demos on more modern hardware due to the
nature of how demos interacted with the hardware.  Also, no reliable IBM PC
emulators exist for this kind of thing because, ironically, people only write
emulators for extinct platforms and the IBM PC is still around.

That's the short answer; the long answer, with many details, is coming in a
website soon next week.
> Hugh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 3:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Data or Packaging...which is more valuable?
> Hugh Falk wrote:
> >
> > A large majority of them are uncracked.  Most of the C-64 (and later)
> stuff
> > I've seen is cracked...but not Apple.
> Now, or earlier?  I went bonkers when I discovered Asimov, and the 150
> or so images I tested out were at least 90-95% cracked.  Maybe I got
> lucky... or maybe they've been replaceing the images with "clean" ones
> (still cracked, but without the messages).
> If you guys are interested in Demos or cracked games at all, you'll
> enjoy the DemoDVD project -- I plan to show some footage of early early
> cracktros, which led to the birth of the demoscene.  Anyway,
> off-topic...
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