Not to play Devil's Advocate, but I am going to put items online soon and wanted to accept PayPal. If I insisted on delivery confirmation for everything that I send, and I pay for it myself, and told the customer that I would require delivery/signature confirmation in the auction description, then wouldn't it be fair to assume that I would have complete seller protection?

For virtual items or services: Would escrow be applicable here? If not, is it fair to learn from your experiences and require check or money order from now on for virtual services?

Called them up today to verify what I thought about seller protection. As I thought ANYTHING CAN BE REVERSED IF NO DELIVERY OR SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION. Overseas, no transaction is safe since no verified address and no delivery confirm possible, NO PROTECTION, ANY TRANSACTION CAN BE REVERSED. Personal (no fee) acct, NO PROTECTION PERIOD, ANY TRANSACTION CAN BE REVERSED Only "Premier" acct. offers "seller protection" NO SERVICES OR VIRTUAL ITEMS COVERED, any transaction for these can be reversed. What if you offer buyer insurance and they decline it? You take the delivery confirm and the PO loses the package. IT CAN BE REVERSED EVEN THOUGH THEY DECLINED THE INSURANCE SINCE IT DID NOT ARRIVE. The $88 paypal stole from me, person claimed his acct was hacked, the reason for paypal stealing $88 from me. Both he and I sent paypal massive amounts of info to catch the "hacker". Called today, they did NOTHING with it since they just took the $88 from me, just let it drop. PAYPAL SUCKS, for sellers there is next to NO PROTECTION. Stuart, catch the part about no protection on personal accts? This should not be legal, there should be some sort of law. And "CAN BE REVERSED" means "WILL BE REVERSED" if the buyer asks for it, count on it!!


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