Another important point I was making is paypal must know of their problems, they just don't care. They stole that $88 from me because the person said the acct was hacked. I kind of beleive the person who said the acct was hacked, the hacker used the acct to pay more than one person, also hacked ebay acct and listed phony $1000+ auctions. Paypal must have the IP address of the hacker to immediately reverse the transaction. And I provided info to them on the hacker, he used an Ultima Online account to accept my goods, I had ICQ record including the character name and EArts could see who was logged in with that character at the time the deal was made. So paypal had or had access to the IP address and the persons actual personal info (from EA) if they cared to pursue A STINKING HACKER THIEF. BUT THEY DID NOT, THEY DID NOTHING, they would rather hide behind their policies, steal money from an honest seller and let identity theft pass. I learned my lesson yes but there is SOMETHING WRONG HERE.....


Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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