In a message dated 10/04/2003 4:48:24 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'd like to do a column article warning people about some of these loopholes, would you mind if I quoted you?  Won't identify you if you prefer, since I understand PayPal gets pissed at stuff like that.  But if you'd care to share any more scammers' methods that'd be great, we can help people defend against them.

Sure Chris, use the info but don't use my name :) I just can't stand scammers/thieves and paypal does nothing to stop them even when they can, they are as much to blame as the actual thieves in my opinion.


Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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