In a message dated 10/01/2003 2:30:05 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I did catch that part. You are making me more and more nervous about Paypal. Add that to Chris being so anti-ebay and I think I will just join a monastery somewhere and forget about buying games, collecting software, playing games, etc.. I know I will never get a Mt. Drash or an Alakabeth anyway.. *sniff* *sniff*.

Stuart my point is simply to make you aware so you can protect yourself. There are people who take deliberatly take advantage of paypal loopholes to commit fraud and there are no laws to prevent it. This is just a hobby to you but is business to me so I have to be careful. People here I relate to and trust so I pass on info I think can help. As for Drash I am predicting the one up for sale will end up higher that the original buy it now but you have your chance ;)

Visit my web page for many games for sale/trade and screen shots of Ultima Escape from Mt. Drash,  Tom's Ultima, Infocom and RPG page

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