
from memory (no Flash IDE to test, sorry), the difference between
aliased and non-aliased fonts is really the outlines that get
embedded. To verify this (as I'm really not sure), simply make two
otherwise similar SWFs with an embedded font and compare the size,
then have a closer look at the swfml-ll.

A tool to import non-antialiased fonts (for pixel fonts, e.g.) would
be very cool to have.

Dan is the original developer and Steve joined a while ago
contributing a lot, bringing support for new Flash 8 features. Some
others contributed pieces/bug-fixes, too.
However, Dan is mostly busy with xinf (<xinf.org>) at the moment and
wants a new incarnation of swfmill written in haXe. Steve has a new
job (congrats, BTW!), so they both plan to mostly do bug fixes instead
of new features. See
and follow-ups.

So, you could become the new driving force, or maybe support the haXe
swfmill effort. :)


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