> On Aug 10, 2016, at 5:36 PM, Slava Pestov <spes...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2016, at 3:34 PM, Christopher Kornher <ckorn...@me.com> wrote:
>> Would this prevent an object from being “known" to multiple threads? 
>> …multiple queues? If so, it would be overly restrictive for a 
>> general-purpose language. I assume that the plan includes a way to allow 
>> “unsafe” behavior to support other concurrency models.
> To be clear I'm not presenting any ideas for Swift here, just critiquing Go's 
> model.
> Yes, I'm just talking about 'safe' language features for passing immutable 
> data between threads. This would not preclude other forms of concurrency from 
> existing in the language, such as locks, atomics, etc. But I think if a user 
> writes code with only message passing, the language should ensure that the 
> result is free from data races. Go does not do that, which is unfortunate.
Oh, *that* I’ll agree with… I was just talking about situations where there is 
no “safe” way to do it (for whatever your language’s/compiler’s idea of “safe” 
is). For example, maybe you really do need to interpret a 64-bit chunk of data 
as an Int64, even though the compiler is convinced it’s a Double. We can do 
that in Swift through the various “unsafe” functions, which is where they 
belong because 99.99% of the time that’s a bad idea. That 0.01% though…

- Dave Sweeris
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