> On Oct 14, 2016, at 4:51 PM, Paul Cantrell via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 14, 2016, at 6:34 PM, Eloy Durán <eloy.de.en...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I’m puzzled. If a package’s pinning does not affect any other package that 
>>> uses it, why should the defaults be different? A library will still suffer 
>>> from all the “works for me” problems an app might.
>>> Is the rationale that not pinning libraries encourages accidental testing 
>>> of new versions of a library’s dependencies as they arrive?
>> Yep.
> I’m skeptical of whether disabling pinning by default is the right answer. It 
> seems … haphazard and incomplete, likely to confuse those who don’t 
> understand this reasoning, and only incidentally helpful to those who do.
> I’d prefer an approach that is more mindful, more intentional.
> Emitting warnings when newer versions of packages are available would help 
> address the same issue. This would also encourage apps to get security 
> patches promptly.
> A more ambitious approach might be to provide a utility that installs and 
> tests various combinations of all the semantically allowed versions of a 
> lib’s dependencies — at the very least, all the lowest and highest allowed 
> versions. This would ignore any existing pinfile. Library devs would run this 
> prior to release, and on a CI server if they have one.
> This would have the advantage of catching incompatibilities with _past_ 
> versions of libraries as well as _new_ ones. In particular, it would catch 
> too-permissive version specifications, e.g. if your library asks for foolib 
> 3.x but relies on a bugfix in 3.4.2, this approach would catch that problem.
> That’s clearly a bigger, separate idea, not necessary to hash out right now. 
> I mean it just to illustrate what better approaches might look like. I’m 
> skeptical that simply disabling pinning does a good job of solving the 
> intended problem, and don’t think it should weigh quite so heavily on the 
> proposal at hand.

The current idea wouldn't "disable it", it would discourage you from checking 
it in for a library (it really comes down to you have to run two commands, not 
one). I agree all the other things you outline are useful, and that not 
checking it in doesn't magically solve the problem here.

 - Daniel

> Cheers,
> Paul
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