> Le 9 janv. 2018 à 17:16, Zach Waldowski via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> I'm not sure a valid use case by a third party makes it hold its weight for 
> inclusion in the stdlib.

You're definitely right, and that's why I wrote with the most humble tone I 

Yet, the design of the stdlib *requires* some speculation about use cases, and 
speculation is *helped* by the exposition of actual uses. I'm not sure readers 
of the mailing list had any idea of the use cases of the current 
DictionaryLiteral, and maybe I helped a little.

> Reproducing its feature set is extremely trivial, and would probably allow 
> you to hint the implementation details better for your use case.

Please define "trivial".

In case anybody would wonder, in the line below the `row` variable is of type 
Row which happens to adopt ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral. It is not of type 
DictionaryLiteral. The use case here is the ability to express a row with a 
dictionary literal that accepts duplicated keys and preserves ordering:

        XCTAssertEqual(row, ["a": 1, "a": 2])

I don't see how anything could better fit this use case than the current 
DictionaryLiteral. This is not *my* use case, but the use case of anyone that 
wants to model database rows beyond the traditional (and ill-advised) 

Some other users may come with other use cases that may also help the stdlib 
designers choose the best solution.


> Zach
> z...@waldowski.me <mailto:z...@waldowski.me>
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018, at 2:12 AM, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution wrote:
>>> Le 9 janv. 2018 à 08:06, Gwendal Roué via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>>>> Le 9 janv. 2018 à 06:40, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> a écrit :
>>>> The ulterior question of whether preserving “DictionaryLiteral” is 
>>>> worthwhile, is apparently out of scope. Personally, I have a hard time 
>>>> imagining a compelling use-case outside of the standard library, and I 
>>>> doubt it’s being used “in the wild” (I checked several projects in the 
>>>> source-compatibility suite and found zero occurrences).
>>> DictionaryLiteral is worthwhile. The SQLite library GRDB uses 
>>> DictionaryLiteral in order to build database rows (which may have 
>>> duplicated column names, and whose column ordering is important). This is 
>>> mostly useful for tests:
>>>     let row = try Row.fetchOne(db, "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS a")!
>>>     XCTAssertEqual(row, ["a": 1, "a": 2])
>>> Gwendal
>> Chris Lattner's wrote:
>>> why is maintaining duplicate keys a feature?
>>> Since it is immutable, why not sort the keys in the initializer, allowing 
>>> an efficient binary search to look up values?
>> I really wish both duplicated keys and key ordering would be preserved, 
>> since both are needed for the above sample code.
>> Should those features be lost, the sky wouldn't fall, that's sure. But we'd 
>> have to write something much less easy to wrote and read:
>> XCTAssertEqual(row.map { $0 }, [("a", 1), ("a", 2)])
>> Gwendal
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