> Easy explained - The problem rises indeed not from the added features but 
> from the fp group that imposes it’s usage in the Standard libraries and “the 
> swifty way”. I like many features of Swift (or I wouldn’t be here) but I 
> don’t want to live in Haskel world. And for some reason these guys become 
> more and more influential in the community.

I personally see functional programming as a useful tool that avoids some hard 
problems, but I have to agree that there is an unhealthy hype about it.
It is quite common among developers to overuse "new" (fp itself is quite old) 
toys, and that's ok — but there are definitely some people who are pushing hard 
against established concepts like OO, in the deep belief their opinion is the 
only truth, and that everything else should be abolished.
I think it's bad for the spirit of the community when members think that way, 
and even state that those who don't agree with their personal interpretation 
about what's "swifty" should leave.

That's one reason I don't like the adjective "swifty", but afaics, those who 
actually decide about the future of Swift have no plans to encourage certain 
styles by crippling the alternatives.

Imho the goal should be improvement for everyone:
Those who like fp, those who like POP, those who like OO… and, of course, for 
those who like mailing list, as well as for those who hate them.
swift-users mailing list

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