On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Karl Kleinpaste <k...@kleinpaste.org>wrote:

> Ben Morgan <benpmor...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Look back at the conversations on ' div type="paragraph" ' from
> September.
> > Troy said he was happy to remove <!P> if Xiphos didn't use it. Someone
> > needs to work out why it's in there, and whether it is really needed,
> then
> > probably adapt the filters to remove it altogether if possible (possibly
> > replacing it with something else).
> I already mentioned back on 17 Sep that Xiphos' very old (pre-me) code
> which detects <!P> is there only to substitute &para; into the stream
> afterward.  It's used exclusively for KJV (hardcoded), and I wondered
> aloud then (and still now) whether this is something that properly
> belongs in the filter to begin with, and to apply to KJV-related
> modules, to which no one had any reaction.
> Take <!P> out.  Optionally put &para; in, and make it specific to
> KJV-ish modules.

<!P> and <!/P> get generated by TEIHTMLHREF and OSISHTMLHREF for
paragraphs, and if anything, should be changed into open/closing <p> tags.

It looks like one of the markers which gets processed in this way (but only
one) are the

<milestone marker="¶" type="x-p"/>

tags in the KJV which also get turned into this construct. BPBible
generates a paragraph break here too, which I think is desirable, though it
may not match a print KJV.

God Bless,
 For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone,
declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.”
Ezekiel 18:32 (ESV)
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