Am 27.11.2011 22:50, schrieb Ondřej Čertík:
I am now trying to convert the Czech translation to a .po file and it
is a lot of work, so I think it's much better if the translation
itself is in a .po file.

Hmm... the gettext toolchain is prepared to write your own text extractors. (Those for C source code look for _("..."), for example.)

If there's a gettext extractor for the markup used in the tutorial, it should be able to automatically extract a skeleton from the English originals. I think an extractor is the first thing you need to reasonably work with gettext. Creating .po files manually is possible, but you'd have to keep them in sync with the markup text manually, which makes the whole effort of using gettext pointless.

BTW you do not need a hash. The gettext tools will simply check whether .po and source are in sync.


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