2014-02-22 13:49 GMT+07:00 Carlos López González <genet...@gmail.com>:

> El sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014, Konstantin Dmitriev
> <ksee.zelga...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> On the other hand, there are lot of accidents happening for newbie
>> users, when they have problems with those widgets.
>> Then, my proposal is: disable saving/restoring of Default
>> BlendMethod/Opacity in the SynfigStudio's settings file. In this case
>> at the start of Synfig the Opacity will be always = "1.0" and Blend
>> Method will be always = "By layer Default". So, even if the user
>> screwed something during the work, then he can restart SYnfig and work
>> normally.
>> ...
>> Regards,
>> K.
> That's a good idea.

Sorry, Carlos, I forgot to mention that introducing an option for
visibility of Default Opacity/BlendMethod is also would be an
interesting experiment. We can introduce a "Simplified UI" option in
the parameter dialogue and make it "ON" by default. When this option
is ON, then  Default Opacity/BlendMethod are hidden and the Default
Opacity for new layers = "1.0", Default Blend Method = "By layer
Default". Experienced users can turn this option OFF and this will
make Default Opacity/BlendMethod widgets visible. This also makes a
room for other UI experiments.



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