How about mentioning that the time stamp must be a fixed length, with
leading zeros for padding. This makes parsing and verification much

For example: time-secfrac SHOULD be 3 digits (milliseconds).

Also, if sub second count is not used, it SHOULD be set to 000 rather
than making it optional.

I think the time should be in local time, with the offset indicating the
difference from UTC/GMT. This requires less calculation at the sending
side since the time zone is a constant. You can always convert to UTC at
the receiving end if you want to.

The time offset should be in the format -0100 or +0930 (can you tell I
used to live in Adelaide).
Alternatively a : could be added in the middle -01:00 or +09:30.
The HH:MM should be fixed length and require the use of +/- indicator.

My reasons for defining everything as fixed length are to keep the
parsing simple and make for easy verification of the messages. The
problem with the current 3164 RFC is that the PID can sometimes be
missing and it makes it tricky to work out if we are looking at a
hostname or PID in the field. Well defined, non optional, fixed length
fields will make it very nice to work with.



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