On 08/31/2011 02:40 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2011/8/31 Bryce Nesbitt<bry...@obviously.com>:
I'm a city dweller. We have some (and will soon have some very prominent)
rooftop parks.
That's fine, you can tag them with leisure=park (or maybe
leisure=garden, and garden:type)

It was a stacking comment. The renderers seem to implicitly stack buildings on top
of land use, so it won't created the desired results.

The question is: should it be sufficient to imply that a landuse polygon wholly inside of another land use polygon belongs "on top"? Or is it really necessary to cut a hole in the outer polygon?

The existing "layer <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Layer>=x" tags are in fact active in mapnik at least: one can stack land use. I feel new mappers will be much more likely to get layers right, rather than relations/multipolygons.
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