2012/9/13 Dudley Ibbett <dudleyibb...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi
> In the UK we have field shelters for horses.  It can be very difficult to
> get planning permission for a fixed building in a field so people have these
> shelters that are movable.  This gets round the planning restriction.  Some
> people do move them around to protect their fields so they would probably
> need remapping on a regular basis.

What you describe is not an open stable. See below

> Our horse has an open stable (I think).  The door is left open and he is
> free to come and go.  In this context I would probably map the area into
> which he can go according to the tag landuse=meadow
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Vegetation
> Could this be a paddock or pen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddock
> Paddocks are generally small fenced off areas.  I'm not sure when a Paddock
> becomes a field!

No. A paddock is (usually) simply an area for grazing. But this term
is also sometimes used for a small, fenced open-air area without any
grass. An open stable may or may not contain an area for grazing, but
always contains feeding stations, watering places and shelters. Have a
look at the attached photos.
In [1] you see two feeding stations in the background. In [2] you see
the area for grazing. This area is usually not accessible for horses;
otherwise there won't be any grass within days. In [3] you see another
feeding station in the background. In [4] you see a watering place. In
the background of [4] you see paddock boxes, i.e. stables with an
attached small, fenced open-air area.

Hope this helps!


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