2013/11/29 nounours <kuessemondtaegl...@gmail.com>

> completly agree that all cameras should share a common tagging!

why? Can you expand on this? What have CCTV and a webcam in common?

> BUT:
> 1) man_made does not make any sense for a camera - ifnot, we should also
> tag highways, restaurants and buildings as "man_made".

what is the logics behind this? We use man_made for technical
installations/facilities/structures/devices, a camera is a technical
device, restaurants aren't (maybe the kitchen would qualify), "buildings"
aren't (but could have technical facilities to make them work), highways
aren't. I do not insist in using man_made for cameras, but IMHO they would
fit (like a crane, a chimney, a water_well, etc.).

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